This spectacular west-coast endemic moss was common on tree trunks in the areas we visited. Photographed here in Boggs Mountain State Forest, March 28th 2012. Image I12-0006.
The red moss in this image is Bryum miniatum. On damp exposed granite in the Sierra Nevada, in Kings Canyon, Tulare County, California. June 4th 2010, image I10-2947.
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
A close view of this aquatic moss shows late winter leaves that are somewhat damaged and stripped, but the soft texture and complete absence of a keel can be seen. This distinguishes F. hypnoides from other Californian Fontinalls species. Specimen from Clear Lake, California, March 29th 2012, photographed in a bowl at home. Image I12-0557.
Large clumps of the aquatic moss Fontinalis hypnoides were attached to tree roots at the edge of Clear Lake, and partially emergent from the water. They were muddy and hard to photograph in the field, but I floated this piece in a bowl at home and obtained images. Lake County, California, observed on March 29th 2012. Image I12-0548
This small moss with long, bright green capsules is rare in California and was photographed here on soil near a trail in Middletown Trailside County Park, (Lake County, California). The associated brownish moss with hyaline points on the leaves is Pleuridium. March 29th 2012, Image I12-0056.
This was one of three Syntrichia species collected by Brent Mishler from near Highway 20 in Lake County and photographed by me soon after its collection. March 30th 2012, image I12-0217
Catacol, Arran Scotland. NR915495
Photographed on shady rock in Clear Lake State Park, Lake County, California, March 29th 2012. Image I12-0111
The moss with very long hair points to the leaves (including the plant with the green capsule) is Crossidium squamiferum. Also present are Bryum argenteum (eg near the top, left of center, and the silvery plants to the right of the Crossidium patch); Aloina sp. (two plants with narrow, dark green leaves with incurved margins towards the upper right) and many plants with triangular yellow green leaves that I'm guessing are a Didymodon species (possibly also a second species with larger leaves) - comments welcome. Photographed in situ on a steep south-facing open grassy bank with rock outcrops, in a small valley just west of the north branch of Cache Creek south of where it crosses Highway 20, Lake County, California. March 30th 2012, Image I12-0251
This moss is seen in its dry condition here on a wall in the open near the entrance to Clear Lake State Park (Lake County, California) on March 29th 2012. Image I12-0089.
Big Hammock SP. Georgia USA
This small moss was photographed in situ on a drying mud bank along a track running south from Highway 20 near the place where the highway crosses the north fork of Cache Creek, Lake County, California, on March 30th 2012. Thanks to David Toren for the identification. Note that a plant of Syntrichia sp?. can be seen at the right hand edge above the middle. Bryum argenteum, Aloina and two other acrocarps were within inches, and Tortula atrovirens was close by. Image I12-0211.
This moss was one of three Syntrichia species collected by B. Mishler from near Highway 20 in Lake County and photographed by me near soon after its collection. March 30th 2012, Image I12-0219.
Photographed in the field at Flying M Ranch, in the eastern Central Valley, Merced County, California, April 6th 2002. On a vertical shaded N-facing semi-overhanging rock face above a stream in otherwise open country; near Adiantum capillus-veneris. Scanned slide 044-721
A couple of stems of the moss Pleurozium schreberi are visible in the upper left third of the image, and the bright green upright moss at center right is a Polytrichum sp. (?P. commune). In shrubby hollows in coastal dunes north of Coos Bay, Oregon, March 1999. Scanned slide 021 004
Seen here in dry condition on a tree near the edge of a wood, Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, California, October 27th 2009. Image I09-4843.
Minnesota, United States