: All biogeographical map images in this gallery could be re-created using vector graphics as SVG files. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is available, please upload it and afterwards replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name}}. Description: Bewerking afbeelding: Afbeelding_(kaart).JPG. Date: 7 February 2005 (original upload date). Source: Transferred from nl.wikipedia to Commons. Author: Jürgen at Dutch Wikipedia.
Description: Nederlands: IdentificatieTitel(s): Afrikaanse neushoorn in een dierentuinAn African rhinoceros (R. bicornis.) (titel op object)Objecttype: fotomechanische afdruk bladzijde Objectnummer: RP-F-2001-7-403A-18VervaardigingVervaardiger: fotograaf: J. Fortuné Nottclichémaker: anoniem, drukker: J. & A. LemercierPlaats vervaardiging: ParijsDatering: ca. 1876 - in of voor 1886Materiaal: papier Techniek: lichtdrukAfmetingen: prent: h 101 mm × b 143 mmToelichtingPrent tussen pagina 342 en 343.OnderwerpWat: hoofed animals: rhinocerosVerwerving en rechtenCredit line: Aankoop met steun van de Mondriaan Stichting, het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, het VSBfonds, het Paul Huf Fonds/Rijksmuseum Fonds en het Egbert KunstfondsVerwerving: aankoop 2001Copyright: Publiek domein. Date: ca. 1876 - in of voor 1886. Source: http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.601342. Author: Rijksmuseum.
Description: English: Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) in Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya. Date: 11 February 2007, 11:23. Source: Lake Nakuru Kenya, Feb 2007. Author: Joachim Huber.
Description: English: Mary Gallen-Kallela sekä lapset Kirsti ja Jorma seisovat Akseli Gallen-Kallelan ampuman sarvikuonon vieressä toukokuussa 1910. Taiteilija Akseli Gallen-Kallelan perhe eli vuosina 1909-10 Brittiläisessä Itä-Afrikassa, nykyisessä Keniassa. Pisin safari, jolle perhe palvelusväkineen lähti, kesti noin neljä kuukautta. Gallen-Kallela valokuvasi useita metsästyssaaliitaan. kuvauspaikka: Tana-joki, nykyinen Kenia ajoitus: toukokuu 1910 kuvaaja: Akseli Gallen-Kallela mitat: 81x80 mm tekniikka: stereokuva merkintöjä: "Ensimmäinen sarvikuononi. Eläin kuoli ensi laukauksella. Ampuma-ase: 450 Expres Cordite rifle. Ampumamatka: n. 20 m. Luoti lavan takaa sisään korvan juureen. Parin päivän päästä oli raato harmaana matovuorena." (vasen puoli) ja ”ensimmäinen Kifaru(?) Kampi ya impalla V 1910” (oikea puoli) inventointinumero: Kot. 4/59a ja b kokoelma: Akseli Gallen-Kallelan valokuvakokoelma tutki lisää / explore further: http://www.gallen-kallela.fihttp://www.halooakseli.fi Tiedätkö lisää tästä kuvasta? Kerro meille! Do you have information on this photo? Let us know!. Date: 1 June 1910, 00:00:00. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gallen-kallelanmuseo/24120310444/. Author: The Gallen-Kallela Museum. Permission(Reusing this file): At the time of upload, the image license was automatically confirmed using the Flickr API. For more information see Flickr API detail. Flickr sets Stereokuvat / Stereographs Afrikassa / In Africa. Flickr tags sarvikuono rhino metsästys hunting safari Kenia Kenya Afrikka Africa Gallen-Kallelan Museo vaatteet clothes hatut hats päivänvarjo umbrella stereokuva stereograph.
Description: Diceros bicornis (michaeli ? - trying to figure which subspecies of rhino this is). Mbagathi, Nairobi National Park, Kenya. Date: 14 May 2010, 04:11. Source: Rhino. Author: Ludovic Hirlimann from 's-Gravenhage, The Netherlands. Other versions: Black border cropped from original. Camera location1° 22′ 31.8″ S, 36° 48′ 21.23″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap -1.375500; 36.805896.
Description: Svenska: Noshörningens horn blev stulet den 23 juli 2011 när den stod utställd på Göteborgs Naturhistoriska museum.English: The horn of the Rhinoceros was stolen on July 23, 2011 from the showcase when it was on display in Göteborgs Naturhistoriska museum (Gothenburg Museum of Natural History). Date: 20 November 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Jopparn.
Theodore Roosevelt in 1909, beside a rhinoceros. Title: Theodore Roosevelt in 1909, beside a rhinoceros. Description: Theodore Roosevelt beside a rhinoceros. Wellcome Images Keywords: Theodore Roosevelt. Credit line: : This file comes from Wellcome Images, a website operated by Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation based in the United Kingdom. Refer to Wellcome blog post (archive).This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.. References: Photo number: L0002108. Source/Photographer: https://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/obf_images/fa/57/9cfde905e6381712700b8714e082.jpg Gallery: https://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/image/L0002108.html Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-04-05): https://wellcomecollection.org/works/m7gf27tkCC-BY-4.0. Licensing[edit] : This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution 4.0 International license. :. You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work to remix – to adapt the work Under the following conditions: attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 truetrue.
Description: English: Skull of a black rhinoceros. Picture taken at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco California, USA. Date: 31 August 2014, 15:04:18. Source: Own work. Author: Sanjay Acharya. Camera location37° 46′ 11.75″ N, 122° 27′ 57.94″ WView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 37.769931; -122.466094.