An Abducted [Fur Seal] Cow.
Mesoplodon Sowerbiensis, (Blainville) Gervais. Sowerby's Whale, female.. Length, 11 feet. (After Dumortier)
[Beaver] : in Various Postures.
[Sperm whale with whalers].
A Pod of [Fur Seal] Pups on Lukanin Rookery. Saint Paul Island
Large Hump-Back [sic] Whale, 83 Feet Long.
[Beaver] : in Various Postures.
Various Kinds of Whales: 1-Sperm whale. 2-California Gray whale Rhachianectes glaucus. 3-Humpback whale. 4-Sulphur-bottom whale. 5-Bowhead. 6-Finback whale. 7-Right whale..
Pelagic Attitudes of the Fur-Seal. Position when Sleeping (1); Position in Rising to Breathe, Survey, Etc (2); Positions in Scratching, Etc.;(3);'Dolphin Jumps';(4)
[Beavers] : at the Moment of Liberation.
Cutting-In Sperm Whale.
Pelagic Attitudes of the Fur-Seal. Sketched from life... Saint Paul's Island, 1872. Village of Saint Paul in distance. Black Bluffs to the right on middle ground; 1. Position while sleeping. 2, Position when rising to breathe, survey, etc. 3, Position when scratching. 4, "Dolphin jumps"
Sperm Whale. Physeter macrocephalus, L.
Fur Seal Pup.
Pygmy Sperm Whale. Kogia Goodei, True
Fur-Seal. (Callorhinus ursinus)
Sperm Whale Porpoise. Hyperoodon bidens, Owen
Prince Albert I of Monaco observes necropsy on juvenile sperm whale aboard research vessel Princesse Alice (1897)
Fur-Seal. Callorhinus ursinus)
Physeter catodon, Linne. Sperm Whale.. Length, 60 feet. (After Scammon.)
Fur-Seals Sporting Around the Baidar. Natives of St. Paul Lightering off the Bundled Seal-Skins to the Ship from the Village Cove
Sperm whale, or Cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus).
World distribution of Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus )
Fur-Seals Hauling on the Reef Parade Ground. Saint Paul Island, September 20, 1872