Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Glen Ayr, New South Wales, Australia
Newnes, New South Wales, Australia
Gundaroo, New South Wales, Australia
Gundaroo, New South Wales, Australia
Gundaroo, New South Wales, Australia
close up image of Potentilla norvegica NORWAY CINQUEFOIL at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single flower head detailing three buds and two full blooms, showing anthers and stigmas.
close up image of Potentilla norvegica NORWAY CINQUEFOIL at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single flower head with two flowers at full bloom
field image of Potentilla norvegica NORWAY CINQUEFOIL at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single specimen with flower heads beginning to bloom showing stem and leaf detail
Widely reported in tropical South America. Photo from Wildsumaco Reserve, Ecuador.
Barthelemy, Cayenne, French Guiana
Barthelemy, Cayenne, French Guiana