A species of the coasts of southern California and northern Baja California. It is also found on the Channel Islands and sometimes known as the Island Gooseberry.Grossulariaceae family.
We came upon this plant at just the right moment on the Arroyo trail yesterday. The sun was angled just so through the eucalyptus that clusters of blossoms were in spot of sunlight, while the trail remained in the deep shadows. -- At home, i spent hours struggling with the Jepson Key at ucjeps.berkeley.edu/IJM_fam_key.html trying to ID. I finally geve up and wrote a botanist i knwq was familiar with the area. She replied before i was home from my evening committee meeting. I've since looked through Groups 6-24 searching for GROSSULARIACEAE and can't find it mentioned. I'm hoping it was user error as i would hope the key would be complete -- yet i fear i have yest again stumbled into another inadvertent QA role.
We came upon this plant at just the right moment on the Arroyo trail yesterday. The sun was angled just so through the eucalyptus that clusters of blossoms were in spot of sunlight, while the trail remained in the deep shadows. -- At home, i spent hours struggling with the Jepson Key at ucjeps.berkeley.edu/IJM_fam_key.html trying to ID. I finally geve up and wrote a botanist i knwq was familiar with the area. She replied before i was home from my evening committee meeting. I've since looked through Groups 6-24 searching for GROSSULARIACEAE and can't find it mentioned. I'm hoping it was user error as i would hope the key would be complete -- yet i fear i have yest again stumbled into another inadvertent QA role.
pink flowersRibes sanguineum, flowering currant (Plant, Grossulariaceae), New Zealand: NaturalisedMountain bike track below Dyers Pass on the city sidePort HillsChristchurchCanterburyNew Zealandnaturewatch.org.nz/observations/341916
pink flowersRibes sanguineum, flowering currant (Plant, Grossulariaceae), New Zealand: NaturalisedMountain bike track below Dyers Pass on the city sidePort HillsChristchurchCanterburyNew Zealandnaturewatch.org.nz/observations/341916