Check out the talons and beak. They feed on ringtail possums, fruitbats and other birds.
Adult Powerful Owl with the remains of a Common Ringtail Possum - Pseudocheirus peregrinus. One the owls most commonest prey. Occasionally I see one with a Brushtail Possum - Trichosurus vulpecula
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Berrambool, New South Wales, Australia
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
One of 2 juveniles with both parents, Loddon River, Newstead Vic.
A friend of mine spotted this powerful owl with what looks like a pair of board shorts in its talons. What is he thinking? The next time I visited them the "boardies" were just hanging in the tree.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Boronia Park, NSW, Australia
This guy first was seen on 26th September 2017.
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
This guy first was seen on 26th September 2017.
She was keeping a close watch on me. A few weeks later I saw her with two fluffy chicks roosting nearby. A great result.
Juneau, Alaska
Juneau, Alaska
/, Long-toed Stint, Calidris subminuta
/, Long-toed Stint, Calidris subminuta
Kin, Okinawa, Japan