California, United States
California, United States
California, United States
California, United States
California, United States
California, United States
California, United States
Inyo Mountains parsley, Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. inyoense, White Mountains, elevation 3045 m (9990 ft). A rare taxon on list 4.3 of the California Native Plant Society. Seems consistently separated ecologically and morphologically from other varieties of L. foeniculaceum, and maintains uniform phenotype in the White Mountains and eastern California. The disjunct reports from northeastern Nevada and southern Idaho may or may not be as distinct, but almost certainly are not part of the same biological entity.
Inyo Mountains parsley, Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. inyoense, White Mountains, elevation 3045 m (9990 ft). A rare taxon on list 4.3 of the California Native Plant Society. Seems consistently separated ecologically and morphologically from other varieties of L. foeniculaceum, and maintains uniform phenotype in the White Mountains and eastern California. The disjunct reports from northeastern Nevada and southern Idaho may or may not be as distinct, but almost certainly are not part of the same biological entity.
New Meadows, Idaho, United States
Nevada, United States
Nevada, United States
New Meadows, Idaho, United States
Nevada, United States