Grønne Strand ved Fjerritslev, Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
Holmkær, NV-Jylland, Danmark
trailside, open understory on thin volcanic rhyolitic tuff soils above river
trailside, open understory on thin volcanic rhyolitic tuff soils above river
trailside, open understory on thin volcanic rhyolitic tuff soils above river. NOTE: absence of coronal hairs
open pine understory on thin volcanic rhyolitic tuff soils
open road bank seep, moist volcanic soil
north face slope, moist volcanic soil
roadside bank in shaded understory, south facing hillside, volcanic substrate
roadside bank in shaded understory, south facing hillside, volcanic substrate
roadside, open pine understory, volcanic substrate
shaded understory,above creek bank in coarse volcanic soils on canyon bottem
shaded understory,above creek bank in coarse volcanic soils on canyon bottem
pine understory on low hillside of rocky, volcanic tuffaceous rhyolite soil above large open grassy meadow and shallow marshy wetland. Shown with Packeria candidissimus