Atlas de poche des oiseaux de France, Suisse, et Belgique, utiles ou nuisibles :.
Paris :Librairie des sciences naturelles P. Klincksieck,1898-.
Die Raubvögel Deutschlands und des angrenzenden Mitteleuropas;.
Cassel [Germany]Verlag von Theodor Fischer,1876..
The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands :.
London :Printed at the expence of the author, and sold by W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West End of St. Paul's, by Mr. Hauksbee, at the Royal Society House, and by the author, at Mr. Bacon's in Hoxton,MDCCXXXI-MDCCXLIII [i.e. 1729-1747].
The birds of North America
New York, U.S.A. :Published under the auspices of the Natural Science Association of America,1895, c1888.