Description: Carondelet Park (in TGP album from that day) 8/29/15 While driving, we found this young fledgling stunned in the middle of a busy road in the park. I hopped out of the driver's seat to grab her before she got hit further while telling Andy to take over driving and move the car. As I held her, she looked around for a minute or two as we examined her wings and tail for injuries. She started to slouch down sleepy-like on my hand, so I bobbed her up and down gently. She suddenly became very alert, looked around and flew into a dense bush nearby. Yay!. Date: 29 August 2015, 12:25. Source: Gray Catbird rescue. Author: Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren.
Description: FIELD MARKS- dark gray overall black cap long,black tail, often cocked undertail coverts chestnut short, dark bill. Date: 3 February 2013, 23:10. Source: GRAY CATBIRD Uploaded by Amada44. Author: cuatrok77.