Page Scan of Egg and Nest: vol.10_044651-044675
Page scan of Main Catalog Series: vol.098_489701-489725
Page Scan of Egg and Nest: vol.07_027951-027975
Page scan of Main Catalog Series: vol.098_489676-489700
Page Scan of Egg and Nest: vol.05_018401-018425
Page Scan of Egg and Nest: vol.05_021351-021375
Page Scan of Egg and Nest: vol.04_013876-013900
USNM 89167 Emberizidae Calcarius lapponicus coloratus Ridgway DOR
USNM 89167 Emberizidae Calcarius lapponicus coloratus Ridgway TAG1
USNM 89167 Emberizidae Calcarius lapponicus coloratus Ridgway VEN
USNM 89167 Emberizidae Calcarius lapponicus coloratus Ridgway LAT
USNM 89167 Emberizidae Calcarius lapponicus coloratus Ridgway TAG2