Figure 10.Gonimyrtea ferruginea new species. A Holotype, MNHN IM-2009-10376 exterior of left valve. L = 24.5 mm B Holotype, dorsal view C Paratype MNHN IM-2009-10376 exterior right valve L = 15.9 mm D–E Paratype MNHN IM-2009-10376 exterior and interior of right valve, sequenced specimen L = 24.0 mm F–H Paratype MNHN XXXXXXX exterior of right valve and interior of left and right valves. New Caledonia MUSORSTOM 4 stn CP236, 495–550 m, L = 12.5 mm I–L from BATHUS 2: stn DW740, 22°36'S, 166°27'E, 570–605 mI Detail of sculpture, scale bar = 500 µm J, K Details of hinge teeth right and left valves. Scale bar = 1 mm. L Protoconch. Arrow marks boundary between PI and PII. Scale bar = 100 µm.
Figure 9.Shells and anatomy of granulose thyasirids of the genus Parathyasira. A–E an undescribed abyssal species from the Arabian Sea, NMW.Z. 2014, A–B external and internal views of the shell; C–D scanning electron micrographs of the granulose microsculpture; E gross anatomy. F Parathyasira resupina, holotype and type of the genus, New South Wales, AMS C57834; G–I Parathyasira subcircularis, Rockall Trough, NMW.Z.2013, G external of shell; H gross anatomy; I micrograph showing radial granulose sculpture.