Description: Français : Valve de
Codakia punctata à
la Réunion. Date: 6 June 2020, 10:57:27. Source: The uploader on Wikimedia Commons received this from the author/copyright holder. Author: Elisabeth Morcel.
Description: This is emphatically NOT codakia orbicularis. I do not know which species this is but it is not even in the same family. Español: Codakia orbigularis. Date: 10 December 2011. Source: Own work. Author:
Description: Fotos de Moluscos del estado Falcón - Venezuela A. Codakia orbicularis B. Donax denticulatus C. Donax striatus D. Lyropecten nodosus. Date: April 2008. Source: Own work. Author: Luis Ruiz Berti.
Description: Español: Codakia orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) colectado en 1997 en Los Totumos Higuerote, estado Miranda - Venezuela. Date: 2013. Source: Own work. Author:
Description: English: Codakia distinguenda (Elegant Lucine) interior photographed in the Gulf of California. Date: 6 March 2009, 04:11:37. Source: Own work. Author:
Description: English: Codakia distinguenda (Elegant Lucine) exterior photographed in the Gulf of California. Date: 6 March 2009. Source: Own work. Author:
Greece, Ionia Nisia, Lefkada, Meganisi Island, Spartochori, beached, collected July 1999, ex coll. J. Trausel. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Portugal, Açores, São Miguel, Ilheu de Vila Franca, at 3 m depth, collected July 2000, ex coll. J. Trausel. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Seychelles, Anse Boileau, low tide, collected November 1977, ex coll. W.J.H. Onverwagt. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal, Marau Sound, Honiara, low tide, collected 1980, ex coll. W.J.H. Onverwagt. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Japan, Kyôto, ex coll. H. van Buren. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Australia, Queensland, Fitzroy Reef, in lagoon , by dredging, collected 1977, ex coll. W.J.H. Onverwagt. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
French Polynesia, Society Islands, Tahiti, low tide, intertidal coral sand, collected 1986, ex coll. W.J.H. Onverwagt. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Ghana, Greater Accra, Accra Bay, east of Accra, beached, collected November 2006, ex coll. J. Trausel. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Aruba, Malmok, sandy bottom, by SCUBA diving, at 8 m depth, collected September 1986, ex coll. W.J.H. Onverwagt. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Bahamas, City of Freeport, Bell Channel, by dredging, at 300 m depth, collected 26th May 1985, ex coll. W.J.H. Onverwagt. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Isla Magdalena, intertidal on sand flats, collected 1985, ex coll. W.J.H. Onverwagt. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker
Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, Long Reef, at low tide in sand, collected October 1967, ex coll. J.Ph. Voorwinde. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker