Unresolved name

Choniognathus elegans

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Eurynome elegans Stebbing

Eurynome elegans Stebbing, 1921:454–455, pl. 13.—Barnard, 1950:57–58, figs. 12d, e.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—4 , 3 , 10.0–14.6 mm (5, USNM 135136–37; 2, AM P.17783).

Anton Bruun Cruises: Gulf of Oman, Sta. 269C, 124–121 m, 6 specs.; Sta. 270A, 55 m, 1 spec.

DISTRIBUTION.—Western Indian Ocean, known only from off Zululand and from the Gulf of Oman.

Gryphachaeus hyalinus (Alcock and Anderson)

Achaeus hyalinus Alcock and Anderson, 1894:205.

Gryphachaeus hyalinus.—Alcock, 1895:177–178, pl. 3: figs. 4, 4a.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—2 , 6 (5 ovig.), 10.0–16.8 mm, smallest ovig. 12.2 mm (6, USNM 135139–41, 135252; 2, AM P.17784–85).

Anton Bruun Cruises: E of Mombasa, Sta. 420A, 140 m, 1 spec. Off Cape Guardafui, Sta. 444, 78–82 m, 3 specs.; Sta. 445, 60–70 m, 1 spec; Sta. 447, 59–61 m, 2 specs. Mouth of Gulf of Aden, Sta. 463, 75–175 m, 1 spec.
bibliographic citation
Griffin, D. J. G. and International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1962-. 1974. "Spider crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majidae) from the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1964." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-35. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.182