
Thalamita sima


provided by Maldives and Laccadives LifeDesk

"Specimens were dredged in Haddumati, Nilandu, Kolumadulu, Suvadiva, Fadifolu, Felidu, and Mahlos on every kind of bottom below 19 fathoms. Elsewhere it appears generally to have been taken as a shore form. Possibly its small size may have caused it to escape collection on the shore in the Maldives. On its absences from Minikoi no stress can be laid, for the reasons stated in a footnote to p.191. In dredging, the liability of a swimming crab to capture depends, not on its conspicuousness, but on its powers of swimming, which are usually greater in larger crabs. The small average size of dredged specimens of many swimming crabs is probably due to this (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 201)."

Nolasco, Jannel


provided by Maldives and Laccadives LifeDesk

"There is considerable variation in the depth of the frontal cleft of this species, and same also in the granulation of the under side of the hand. A few specimens came near T. poissoni. The absence of spines from the hinder edge of the meropodite is, however, always to be relied on as a distinction between the two. The var. granosimana of T. admeta tends to approach this species, as will be stated later (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 201)."

Nolasco, Jannel