Madum Sø
Kielstrup Sø, Himmerland, Danmark
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Melby Overdrev, Denmark
Hostrup grusgrav, Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Midtsjælland, Denmark
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Hobro, nordlige industrikvarter
Allindellille Fredskov, Denmark
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Hostrup grusgrav, Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Xiao-Yan Liu, Ding Yang, Emilia P. Nartshuk
Figures 15–19. Thressa daiyunshana sp. n., male. 15 wing 16 epandrium, ventral view 17 epandrium, lateral view 18 hypandrium and phallic complex, ventral view 19 hypandrium and phallic complex, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.2mm (15), Scale bar = 0.05mm (16–19).
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 14.Distribution of Allotrichoma bifurcatum sp. n.
Saeed Mohamadzade Namin, Jamasb Nozari
Figures 1–6.Angelopteromyia korneyevi sp. n. 1 wing 2 head in profile3 male genitalia, right aspect 4 surstyli apex, ventral aspect 5 male terminalia 6 abdominal sclerites in male, ventral aspect.
Figure 4–6.Lispe ethiopica sp.n.: male Holotype (4) cercal plate (5) sternite 5 (6).
Ming Zhang, Yi-ou Chen, Thomas Pape, Dong Zhang
Figure 7.Scanning electron micrographs of the male genitalia of Agria affinis (Fallén, 1817). A Lateral view of the genitalia B Ventral view of distiphallus, arrows show the dividing line between phallic tube and juxta C Surstylus, lateral view D Cercus, lateral view E Pregonite and base of postgonite enlarged view, with inset showing highly enlarged view of one of the sockets from a coeloconic sensilla. Abbreviations: acrophallus (acr); cercus (cerc); juxta (j); lateral sclerotization (ls); phallic tube (ph); postgonite (pog); pregonite (prg); surstylus (sur).
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 5.Hypopygia, sternite appendages and anepimeral + greater ampullal microtrichosity of the five other Perochaeta: Perochaeta cuirassa (CA-CC), Perochaeta dikowi (DA-DC), Perochaeta exilis (EA-EC), Perochaeta hennigi (HA-HC) and Perochaeta lobo (LA-LC); adapted from Ang and Meier (2008; Perochaeta cuirassa and Perochaeta lobo), Ang et al. (2008; Perochaeta dikowi), Iwasa (2011; Perochaeta exilis) and Ozerov (1992; Perochaeta hennigi). Suffixes refer to: A sternite appendage, left side ventral view B hypopygium, right side dorsal view C Surstylus, lateral view D Anepimeron + greater ampulla [image not available for Perochaeta hennigi (prefix H)]. Perochaeta lobo (prefix L) has a similar anepimeral microtrichosity as Perochaeta cuirassa (CD). Scale bars = 0.5mm.
Viviane Rodrigues de Sousa, Márcia Souto Couri
Figure 12.Gall of Japanagromyza inferna in Centrosema virginianum L. (Fabaceae).
Shih-Tsai Yang, Hiromu Kurahashi, Shiuh-Feng Shiao
Figure 9.Sternites and genitalia of Paradichosia lui sp. n., ♂. A Epandrium, cercus, and surstylus, lateral view B Cercus and surstylus, caudal view C Fifth abdominal sternite, ventral view D Aedeagus, lateral view E Aedeagus, posterior view F Anterior and posterior parameres G Third and fourth abdominal sternites, ventral view H Tufts on the third (left) and fourth (right) abdominal sternites. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.