Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 35−38.Third instar and puparium of Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 35 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in posterior view 36 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in lateral view 37 posterior spiracles in posterior view 38 puparium in dorsal view.
Figure 6.Copulatory profile for Perochaeta orientalis, as described in Section 2 (Copulation). Horizontal bars in graph indicate point in time (X-axis) where then the particular behaviour (Y-axis) is performed. The profile begins from when the male mounts the female, and ends when they begin to separate (total time = 72m 30s).
Figure 10.Sternite and genitalia of Silbomyia hoeneana Enderlein, ♂. A Cercus, and surstylus, caudal view B Epandrium, cercus, and surstylus, lateral view C Fifth abdominal sternite, ventral view D Anterior and posterior parameres E Aedeagus, lateral view F Aedeagus, posterior view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.