Description: Español: Platillo típico de la comunidad. El pescado fresco (Tilapia) se fríe en una cazuela grande a fuego alto y al aire libre. Se puede observar que el pescado frito va acompañado de limón, salsa y tortilla de maíz. En la comunidad de Tzibanza la pesca es su principal recurso económico. Los padres de familia son los que se dedican principalmente a realizar el trabajo. Date: 3 October 2017. Source: Own work. Author:
Fernanda Rodríguez.
While a couple of the big Blue Tilapia are distracted by something else in the run, I got a chance to sneak up on them.These invasive fish grow quite large and have taken over the run. They're also very skittish, so they're prone to stirring up the bottom when they get spooked.Blue Springs State ParkOrange City, Volusia County Florida, USA Olympus OM-D E-M514-42mm II LensPT-EP08 Underwater Housing, PPO-EP01 Lens Port & 14-42mm Zoom Gear
Christmas, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
A school of Blue Tilapia skulking in the shadows ventures out from the bank and slips out into the main spring pool. They all look guilty, like they know they don't belong.Silver Glen SpringsOcala National ForestMarion County Florida, USAOlympus OM-D E-M514-42mm II LensPT-EP08 Underwater Housing, PPO-EP01 Lens Port & 14-42mm Zoom Gear
Christmas, Florida, United States
If you haven't seen it, don't bother with Invasion of the Tilapia II or III, it's essentially the same plot line.Blue Tilapia (Invasive species)Oreochromis aureusBlue Springs State ParkOrange City, Volusia County Florida, USA Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark IIOlympus 14-42mm II LensPT-EP13 Underwater Housing, PPZR-EP02 Lens Port & 14-42mm Zoom Gear9 July 2021
While these invasives have taken over the run and pushed out native species, on occasion, they are outnumbered and forced to hide by all the human invaders.Blue Tilapia (Invasive species)Oreochromis aureusBlue Springs State ParkOrange City, Volusia County Florida, USA Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark IIOlympus 14-42mm II LensPT-EP13 Underwater Housing, PPZR-EP02 Lens Port & 14-42mm Zoom Gear9 July 2021