The natural history of British insects :.
London :Printed for the author, and for F. and C. Rivington,1792-1813..
Physis : receuil d'histoire naturelle
Paris :Au bureau du trésorier de la Société entomologique de France,1867-1869.
An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India :.
London,Printed for the author by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street; and sold by Messrs, Rivingtons, Str. Paul's Church Yard; White, Fleet Street, Faulder, Bond Street; and H. D. Symonds, Patersonter Row,1800..
The natural history of British insects. v.1.
London :Printed for the author, and for F. and C. Rivington,1792-1813.
The natural history of British insects. v.1.
London :Printed for the author, and for F. and C. Rivington,1792-1813.