Associated Forest Cover
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Balsam poplar occurs in the following forest cover types (13):
Balsam Poplar (Society of American Foresters Type 203), White
Spruce-Aspen (Type 251), White Spruce (Types 107 and 201), Jack
Pine (Type 1), Aspen (Type 16), Red Spruce-Balsam Fir (Type 33),
Northern White-Cedar (Type 37), Black Ash-American Elm-Red Maple
(Type 39).
In eastern North America, balsam poplar is found mainly in mixed
stands where other species dominate. In Saskatchewan, it is a
component of the following forest types: Aspen-hazelnut (Populus
tremuloides/Corylus cornuta), white spruce (Picea glauca)-feathermoss,
aspen-sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis)/twinflower
(Linnaea borealis), white spruce/aspen-bunchberry (Cornus
canadensis)/bishops cap (Mitella nuda), black spruce
(Picea mariana)feathermoss, and white
spruce-horsetail (Equisetum spp.) (31). Balsam poplar is
uncommon in boreal white spruce forests east of about 75°
longitude and is not present in black spruce stands east of 85 to
86° longitude. It grows with white spruce east of 75°
longitude, however (45). Other associated trees are balsam fir
(Abies balsamea), paper birch (Betula papyrifera),
black ash (Fraxinus nigra), American elm (Ulmus
americana), red maple (Acer rubrum), tamarack
(Larix laricina), and northern white-cedar (Thuja
In western and northern parts of the range, balsam poplar is
associated with balsam/alpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa),
aspen, paper birch, white spruce, and black spruce on upland
sites. It reaches its most widespread development on the river
flood plains. On these sites, it occurs in pure stands and is
associated with mountain alder (Alnus incana) and various
willows (e.g., Salix alaxensis, S. interior) during
early stand development and white spruce in later stages when it
finally disappears from these sites (53,57).
Low shrubs associated with balsam poplar include redosier dogwood
(Cornus stolonifera), bunchberry, mountain maple (Acer
spicatum), bearberry honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata),
beaked hazel, American cranberry bush (Viburnum
trilobum), highbush cranberry (V edule), red
raspberry (Rubus idaeus var. canadensis and strigosus),
prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), mountain cranberry
(Vaccinium vitis-idaea), devil's club (Oplopanax
horridum), and red currant (Ribes triste).
Some associated herbaceous plants are horsetails (Equisetum
arvense, E. pratense), bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis
canadensis), bedstraws (Galium boreale, G. triflorum),
fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), panicle bluebells
(Mertensia paniculata), red baneberry (Actaea rubra),
alpine pyrola (Pyrola asarifolia), claspleaf
twistedstalk (Streptopus amplexifolius), wild
sarsaparilla, butterbur (Petasites spp.), and bishops
In mixed stands, various feathermosses (e.g., Hylocomium
splendens, Pleurozium schreberi) and lichens may be
associated with balsam poplar. In Alaska, two mosses, Eurhynchium
pulchellum and Mnium cuspidatum, have been reported
in flood plain stands (53). Moss and lichen cover is generally
low in these stands.
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- USDA, Forest Service
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Most of the range of balsam poplar has a continental climate, but
some is in the maritime zone and the transition between these two
broad regions. Average temperature ranges from -30° to -4°
C (- 22° to 25° F) in January and from 12° to 24°
C (53° to 75° F) in July. The lowest temperatures range
from -18° to -62° C (-10° to -79° F); the
highest from 30° to 44° C (85° to 110° F).
Annual precipitation is lowest in central Alaska (15 to 30 cm; 6
to 12 in) in the Yukon-Tanana drainage. The highest
precipitation, 140 cm (55 in), occurs in the Maritime Provinces
of eastern Canada. Distribution of precipitation varies
throughout the range, but prolonged summer droughts are uncommon.
Annual snowfall is lowest in interior Alaska (100 to 200 cm; 40
to 80 in) and highest in Newfoundland (400 cm; 160 in). Maximum
summer daylength varies from 16 to 24 hours. Minimum daylength in
winter drops to zero above the Arctic Circle. The frost-free
period varies from 75 to 160 days. The longest growing seasons
are in the southern part of the range and the shortest in the
north, but growing seasons can be 120 days in parts of Alaska.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Damaging Agents
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Susceptibility of balsam poplar to fire
is determined by characteristics of individual trees and stands.
Thickness of bark increases with age, giving increased resistance
to fire; however, the bark of mature trees tends to be deeply
fissured, and the protection afforded the cambium is less than if
a continuous sheath surrounded it. Mature trees can withstand
mild and perhaps moderately intense fires. Balsam poplar supports
crown fires only under the severest burning conditions (41).
Fire fuels differ in the various vegetation types where balsam
poplar occurs. Pure stands of balsam poplar support fires of less
intensity than those in mixed conifer-hardwood stands, and tree
survival is greater. Early successional stands containing only
hardwoods are less likely to burn intensely than later
successional stages or mixed balsam poplar-conifer stands (41).
Balsam poplar produces root suckers after fire, and burned sites
can be colonized by seed reproduction when mineral soil seedbeds
are created.
As rivers create sites for establishment of balsam poplar, they
also destroy sites with established stands. This process can be
gradual as the river slowly undermines its bank at the rate of a
few feet per year, or the erosion can be dramatic. It is not
uncommon to see river channels change by 30 to 60 m (100 to 200
ft) in several years. These channel changes can destroy
significant areas of established poplar stands.
Moose, deer, elk, and other animals browse on balsam poplar stem
material but eat little foliage (3). Stems as large as 5 cm (2
in) d.b.h. may be broken by moose and the tops browsed. Where
browsing occurs for only 1 or 2 years, however, form is not
adversely affected because subapical buds rapidly replace damaged
terminals. Simulated browsing of 9 to 14-year-old poplars
resulted in increased twig biomass, indicating that only under
the severest, repeated browsing is it adversely affected (16).
Resin of balsam poplar appears to repel snowshoe hares, and foliar
buds have higher resin contents than internodes. As a result,
hares may eat internodes of twigs and stems but not the buds
(3,38). High terpene and phenolic resin content are sufficient to
reduce cellulose digestion, making balsam poplar less palatable
to animals (43).
Girdling by hares or rodents can kill saplings or small trees
above the girdle, but dormant buds from below the girdle usually
form a new stem. Ruffed grouse may feed on staminate buds in the
Beaver frequently cut balsam poplar growing along watercourses;
usually, sprouts are not produced or, if they are, they either
die or are browsed and subsequently die. On small streams, ponds
created by beaver dams can kill poplars growing in or adjacent to
ponded areas.
The poplar and willow wood borer (Cryptorhynchus lapathi),
bronze poplar borer (Agrilus liargus), and the poplar
borer (Saperda calcarata) are among the most damaging
insects. They girdle or badly weaken trees larger than 2.5 cm (1
in) in diameter by tunneling in the main stem and limbs (9).
The forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria), satin
moth (Sti1pnotia salicis), gray willow leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta
decora decora), and aspen leaf beetle (Chrysomela
crotchi) feed on balsam poplar foliage, but the species is
not their principal host (1). The highly resinous buds and leaves
of balsam poplar may render them relatively less palatable than
the principal tree hosts (3).
In mature trees, the most common decay-causing fungal species is
Phellinus tremulae with Pholiota destruens, Corticium
expallens, and Bjerkandra adusta also being
important. A canker caused by Neofabraea populi has been
observed on balsam poplar in Ontario less than 3 cm (1.2 in) in
diameter (22,23). The occurrence of decay varies with site
conditions and among clones, with the latter appearing to be the
most important cause of resistance (23). Infection by Rhytidiella
moroformis causes a roughening of the normally smooth bark
and the formation of deep furrows. Melampsora spp.
cause a leaf rust and Linospora spp., a leaf blight
(22). Venturia populina causes a leaf and twig blight and
can stunt the main stem.
Septoria musiva and S. populicola cause a leaf
spot and canker on balsam poplar seedlings. Septoria musiva
was reported to cause the highest percentage of canker and leaf
spot in southern Manitoba. Septoria incidence on native
poplars within their range is negligible (61).
Frost damage occurs to trees of all ages in exposed stands
established after bums and logging, in nursery stooling beds, and
in plantations of hybrid poplar (60). Entire twigs may be shed.
Distortion from frost damage occurs adjacent to cankers, and
dieback results in burl formation, bud proliferation, sucker
production, and uneven development of bark, leaf, and sapwood
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- USDA, Forest Service
Flowering and Fruiting
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Balsam poplar generally reaches
flowering age between 8 and 10 years. It produces large seed
crops almost every year, but significant annual variation in
production can occur by individual stands and trees (47,59).
Flowering in this dioecious species occurs before leaf flush, in
April and May throughout most of the range, but not until June or
July at northern limits and upper elevations.
The regional ratio of male to female clones was found to be 1:1 on
treeline sites in northern Quebec. Female clones occurred on
sites with a relatively milder climate or those that were more
fertile and mesic; male clones were more common on inland sites
with drier soil conditions. Most stands were made up of more than
one clone; however, monoclonal stands usually contained a male
clone, and polyclonal stands usually had only female clones.
Stand density and area were greater in male than in female clones
Flower clusters (catkins) are 5 to 9 cm (2 to 3.5 in) with many
small flowers about 3 mm (0.12 in) long. Male flowers have 20 to
30 reddish stamens. Mature female catkins are 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6
in) long. Capsules are a lustrous green during development but
turn dull green at time of dispersal. Male flowers are shed
promptly and decay; female catkins are shed shortly after
dispersal is completed but remain identifiable for the remainder
of the summer (2,56).
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Balsam poplar is in the section Tacamahaca of the genus Populus
(24). Two varieties have been identified: the typical variety
Populus balsamifera var. balsamifera and P balsamifera
var. subcordata, found in eastern Canada (2).
Balsam poplar and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) have
hybridized and produced mixed populations. Because of this
intermixing, black cottonwood has been suggested as a subspecies
(i.e., Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa) (2,37).
Where balsam poplar and black cottonwood overlap, hybrids with a
range of characters intermediate to those of the two species are
found. An index using capsule shape, capsule pubescence, and
carpel number has been developed (2,55). Other hybrids have been
reported between balsam poplar and P alba, P. laurifolia, P
nigra, R simonii, P. sauveolens, P. tremula, and P tristis
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- USDA, Forest Service
Growth and Yield
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-Large balsam poplar throughout much of
the range may be 90 to 180 cm (35 to 71 in) in diameter and 23 to
30 in (75 to 100 ft) in height (44). In the northern part of the
range, this species is frequently th
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- USDA, Forest Service
Reaction to Competition
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Balsam poplar shows all the
characteristics of an early successional species: that is, low
shade tolerance, rapid juvenile growth, prolific seed production,
relatively short life span, good self-pruning, and replacement by
more tolerant associates. It is most accurately classed as very
intolerant of shade.
In primary succession on river flood plains, balsam poplar is an
early invader and is associated with various willows and alder
for about 20 years after formation (53). It appears to assume
dominance as a result of greater stature and relative growth rate
than willow and alder, which precede it in succession, and white
spruce, which follows it (58,59). It may have an allelopathic
effect on alder germination and germinant development, but these
effects have not been substantiated under field conditions
(27,58,59). Balsam poplar bud extracts inhibit nitrification
under laboratory conditions, indicating the potential for
nitrogen conservation within poplar stands and an effect on
forest development and succession (49). It is the dominant
species for about 50 years. White spruce gradually replaces
balsam poplar, and by age 100 to 150 years, the poplar is a minor
component of the stand. Deviations from this general pattern
include the Yukon and Susitna Rivers where poplar stands more
than 200 years old occur, and white spruce is a minor species
present mainly in the understory.
Balsam poplar can be important in secondary succession on bums and
cutovers or primary succession on lakeshores and sites severely
disturbed by mining and construction. Asexual and sexual
reproduction are important in burned and cutover areas, but only
sexual reproduction is important on severely disturbed sites.
Balsam poplar can reproduce asexually under stand conditions, but
the suckers are short lived.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Rooting Habit
provided by Silvics of North America
On flood plains, the balsam poplar root
system is multilayered, owing to the deposition of new soil by
periodic flooding. Although early root development is downward,
subsequent development progresses upward as root development
occurs on the buried stem. In one instance, major new root
development occurred at least six times as the initial root
system and 2 in (6.6 ft) of the main bole were buried by silt
deposition during a 30- to 40-year period (40). Root development
on the buried stem of seedlings occurs within several weeks of
burial and appears to be associated with the presence of
preformed root primordia (8,34).
Expansion of the root system and subsequent sucker production can
play an important role in clone development and colonization of a
site after the seedling ortet becomes established. Extension of
lateral roots 1 to 3 cm (0.4 to 1.2 in) in diameter has been
observed to be at least 14 m (46 ft) in 15-year-old clones.
Expansion of the root system ranged between 0.5 and 8.0 m (1.6
and 26 ft) in a 15-year-old clone; maximum rate of expansion
occurred between 5 and 9 years (33). Root system expansion
determined from clone size and age appears to be lower at
treeline than at lower elevations where clones of about the same
size occur but are 6 to 10 times older (6,33,35.).
On sites without active soil deposition, formation of the root
system is predominantly downward and lateral. Depth of rooting is
restricted on the relatively wet sites where balsam poplar is
commonly found. Lateral root spread on upland sites is at least 8
to 12 in (26 to 39 ft).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seed Production and Dissemination
provided by Silvics of North America
Seeds are tan and small
(0.3 mg or 0.005 gr); they do not have an endosperm at maturity.
Dispersal begins in May and June throughout most of the range,
but dissemination can occur through the last week of July in
northernmost stands (33,59). Dispersal of seeds lasts for at
least 2 weeks. Viable seeds are found on trees 4 to 6 weeks after
the start of dispersal in some years. Relatively warm, dry
weather causes rapid dispersal. Each small seed is attached to a
tuft of long, silky hair ideally suited for long distance
dispersal by the wind. Under warm, dry conditions, seeds are
frequently carried upward by convection currents. Large
quantities of seeds fall within the stand, however, and large
numbers of short-lived germinants can be found on suitable
substrates in mature stands (59). On flood plain sites, large
quantities of seeds land in water and may be carried long
distances by rivers. Seeds sink rapidly, however, when detached
from the silky hairs.
Although most balsam poplar seeds die within several weeks of
dispersal, some remain viable for 4 to 5 weeks. Duration of
viability is dependent on temperature and moisture; cooler, drier
conditions prolong viability. Viability can be maintained at 90
percent or greater for at least 3 years when seed is stored in
airtight containers at -10° C (14° F) (4,63,65).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seedling Development
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The seed does not exhibit dormancy,
and germination occurs over a wide range of temperatures (5°
to 35° C; 41° to 95° F) provided moisture is
adequate (63). Germination can occur under water, and even mild
water deficits reduce germination (33). Germination is reduced by
exposure to the concentrations of salt that commonly occur as
crusts on river flood plains (33). In a comparison of germination
on different types of naturally occurring substrates, balsam
poplar germinated over a wider range of substrate moisture
content on sand-algal crusts than on silt, sand, or silt-salt
crust substrates (33). Complete germination occurs in the dark
and over a range of overstory conditions (59). Burial of seed up
to several millimeters does not prevent germination but reduces
Germination is epigeal and can occur after the seed has separated
from the silky hair or in association with the hairs. Under ideal
conditions, germination is rapid, and cotyledons can be expanded
in 18 to 24 hours (33,64). The rate of germination declines below
15° to 20° C (59° to 68° F) (64). A
conspicuous ring of fine hairs is formed at the root-hypocotyl
junction. These hairs anchor the seedling to the substrate until
the radicle provides a more substantial foothold. Moist mineral
soil surfaces are the best seedbeds. Seeds germinate on moist
organic seedbeds, but seedling survival is poor, and most
seedlings die soon after germination (6,59,67).
Seedling development depends on photosynthesis soon after
germination. After the first growing season, hypocotyl length
varies from 2 to 5 mm (0.08 to 0.20 in) under Alaska conditions.
Tricotyledonous seedlings do occur, but they are rare. Albinism
can be as high as 5 percent in some seed lots in Alaska. Leaf
production begins with the development of two leaves separated by
0 to 4 mm (0 to 0.16 in); the first leaf is I to 3 min (0.04 to
0.12 in) above the cotyledons. Subsequent leaf production and
internode development vary by microsite and with seedling
density, with maximum production of 11 leaves under field
conditions in Alaska. The third and fourth internodes are the
longest (25).
The height and dry weight of first-year seedlings are affected by
density (25,39). Seedlings grown in a greenhouse from an Ontario
seed source ranged from 5 to 32 cm (2 to 12.5 in) in height and
11 to 220 mg (0.17 to 3.4 gr) per plant as density decreased from
about 59,000 to 323 seedlings/m² (39). Seedlings grown under
normal environmental conditions in interior Alaska ranged from 2
to 6 cm (0.8 to 2.4 in) tall at sowing densities ranging from
73,400 to 1 seeds/m² (6,820 to 0.1/ft²). First-year
shoot growth was proleptic with no branch formation unless the
apex was damaged. Dry weight of leaves and stems ranged from 20
to 520 mg (0.3 to 8.0 gr) (25). Average root length varied from 9
to 13 cm (3.5 to 5.1 in).
On flood plain sites, height growth of planted seedlings in early
successional stages was twice that in later stages. Growth
appeared to be controlled by nitrogen availability in some stages
of succession and a combination of light, water, and nutrient
availability in other stages. In greenhouse studies, balsam
poplar seedling biomass was greater on soils from alder stands
than on those from earlier successional stages, suggesting that
poplar benefits from nitrogen fixation. The growth of seedlings
on early successional soils increased significantly when they
were fertilized, but growth on alder soils was not affected by
fertilization (58). Natural seedlings were found only in the
early successional stages, and growth rate was similar in each of
these stages.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Special Uses
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Natural stands are generally described as underutilized, but its
use is increasing as hardwood utilization increases in the
mixed-wood section of the boreal forest. Although the wood can be
used for a variety of products (for example, pulp, veneer, core
stock, boxes, crates, brackets), species such as aspen and
cottonwood are preferred. Waferboard with excellent mechanical
qualities can be produced from balsam poplar; however, special
procedures are needed to efficiently waferize the wood (17,42).
In northern areas, balsam poplar is used for structural lumber
and milled house logs when other species are not available.
Balsam poplar hybrids have a potential for a variety of uses.
Populus balsamifera x R deltoides (Populus x jackii) are
used as windbreak and shelterwood plantings in the northern
plains region. Other balsam poplar hybrids are being tested in
short rotation, intensive culture plantations. When properly
cultivated, irrigated, and fertilized, these hybrids yield about
three or four times as much biomass as native aspen in northern
Wisconsin. The resulting pulpwood is of acceptable quality. The
foliage and small woody component can be converted to an animal
feed supplement (26,70).
Balsam poplar and its hybrids are used or have potential value in
urban forestry and soil stabilization projects, particularly in
the northern portion of the range and in the plains area of
western Canada where the number of indigenous species available
for these purposes is limited. In urban situations, however,
balsam poplar has several undesirable traits. The branches of
older trees tend to be brittle, female trees produce large
amounts of residue from the spent catkins, and relatively rapid
root suckering can result in unwanted colonization of lawns,
sidewalks, and roadways.
Anyone that has ever walked into a poplar stand in the spring at
bud break is impressed with the fragrance in the air. This
fragrance comes from the volatile compounds in the buds and other
parts of the tree. These compounds have been identified and may
have useful biological and esthetic properties (38). Various
extracts from the winter buds of poplar were recognized by native
peoples as having therapeutic value. For example, a salve or
ointment (balm of Gilead) made by heating the winter buds in oil
was used to relieve congestion (52). In recent years, the bark
has been collected and carved into figures that are sold in gift
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- USDA, Forest Service
Vegetative Reproduction
provided by Silvics of North America
Balsam poplar is one of the most
versatile members of the Salicaceae in its potential for
vegetative reproduction. New stems originating from intact or
broken roots, preformed or adventitious buds on stumps or at the
base of trees, and buried stems or branches have been observed in
primary or secondary succession on flood plain and upland sites
In Alaska, segments of stems and branches broken and buried during
autumn logging contribute to regeneration. This buried material
was from 2 to 6 cm (0.8 to 2.4 in) in diameter and 10 to 200 cm
(4 to 79 in) long (69).
Dormant hardwood stem cuttings, as old as 10 to 15 years and
probably older, will produce roots and new shoots. Older cuttings
frequently take longer to root than younger cuttings. The distal
portion of the current year's growth may root more poorly than
the basal part of the current growth and 2-year-old wood. In a
rooting study conducted with material from Ontario, cuttings
collected after December had a higher percentage of rooting, more
roots per cutting, and a higher percentage of cuttings with bud
activity than those collected before December. Age of the parent
tree had no effect on number of roots produced or bud activity
(8). Clonal differences are a major source of variation in
rooting percentage and the number of primary roots produced by
dormant cuttings (15). Rooting potential for hardwood cuttings
ranges from 75 to 100 percent (8,24); rooting of softwood
cuttings ranges from 23 to 63 percent, depending on treatment
Unrooted stem sections have been used with varying success in
regeneration of field sites. In one study in Alaska, survival
after 3 years ranged from 15 to 82 percent. Highest survival was
observed on gravel substrates, least on silt and sand soils.
Third-year height was greatest on silt and sand-1.2 m (3.9 ft)
(28). In a prescribed bum, survival after 5 years was generally
low; microsites burned to mineral soil supported the best growth.
Relatively deep organic layers, whether burned or unburned,
provide a poor environment for the establishment of unrooted stem
cuttings (65,66).
Stem cuttings (hardwood and softwood or greenwood cuttings) have
been the major means of stand establishment for the
short-rotation intensive culture of balsam poplar and hybrid
poplars in Wisconsin, Ontario, and other areas (20). Hardwood
cuttings are grown in clonal orchards, harvested, stored, and
planted either rooted or unrooted. Clones that are difficult to
root may survive better if they are regenerated from rooted
cuttings. Greenwood cuttings provide a means of rapidly
increasing the number of desirable clones, but they must be
rooted before planting (20).
In the greenhouse, root cuttings of balsam poplar clones from Utah
produced surface suckers from suppressed buds and end suckers
from the cambium at the cut end (46). Root cuttings also
produce new lateral roots from the same origins as suckers.
Alaskan clones respond similarly (69).
Production of suckers after disturbance of the parent tree varies;
the response is generally less than that of aspen which suckers
prolifically. In Alaska, stocking after 3 years ranged from 4 to
61 percent; densities were 1 to 2 plants/m² (3 to 8/milacre)
in harvested balsam poplar stands. Suckers made up about 80
percent of the stocking in the summer- and winter-logged areas
but only 27 percent in a fall-harvested area. Production was on
intact and broken roots within the upper 2 cm (0.8 in) of the
surface soil. Average diameter of roots producing suckers was 1
cm (0.4 in) (69). In a 40- to 50-year-old stand on the
Tanana River in interior Alaska, stocking was 83 percent and
density 2 trees/m² (8/milacre) (25). In
Saskatchewan, sucker regeneration was observed on dry, moist, and
wet regimes. Stocking was 12 percent in the aspen-hazelnut type;
5 percent in the white spruce-aspen-bunchberry type; 5 percent in
the white spruce/feathermoss type; and 7 percent in the
aspen/sarsaparilla/twinflower type (31).
Density of suckers is greatest on sites where the organic layers
are disturbed. Organic layers are effective insulators and may
limit sprouting by controlling soil temperature, particularly in
high latitude forests (69).
Production of suckers may be important in the invasion and
establishment of balsam poplar on disturbed sites and in primary
succession. Expansion has been observed on flood plains from
established stands to areas that did not have poplar (40).
Colonization by clonal expansion is believed to be more
important on dry sites where the probability of seedling
establishment is low (33). The area covered by individual
clones on productive forest sites is not well documented; one
15-year-old clone consisted of 27 ramets and covered an area of
350 m² (3,700 ft²) (33).
The extent of clonal development is best documented at elevational
and latitudinal treeline sites where seedling establishment is
limited and development of stands through vegetative growth is
the main means of colonization and maintenance of the species
(6,35). Scattered groves of balsam poplar in the Brooks and
Alaska Ranges of Alaska were found to be individual clones.
Representative clones covered from 100 to 200 m² (1,060 to
2,110 ft²) and contained from 90 to 150 ramets. Clones with
the oldest ramets (114 years old) were found on the Brooks Range
sites. Ramets did not occur in areas with dense shrub cover (35).
New shoots also form on stumps from suppressed buds and
adventitious buds developed from undifferentiated inner bark.
Most originate in the inner bark at the top of the stump.
Sprouting response varies with genotype and declines as tree age
increases. It may be high (50 to 100/stump) initially, but
production and survival of sprouts vary with season and logging
method. The percentage of stumps with sprouts declines over a 2-
to 5-year period (69).
Balsam poplar stump sprouts may be of little potential value in
replacement of trees in mature stands after disturbance
because of the fragile connection between sprout and stump. In
intensively cultured stands grown on short rotations, coppicing
is used to replace the new crop after harvest of the original
stand established from stem cuttings. Individual cuttings may
produce 10 to 20 sprouts I year after harvesting; 4 to 8 sprouts
will survive after 2 years (20).
The growth potential of balsam poplar vegetative reproduction is
greater than that of early seedling growth. Average height of
balsam poplar was about 1 m (3.2 ft) after 3 years; height of
dominants was 2.5 to 3.0 m (8.1 to 9.8 ft). The age of suckers at
breast height (1.5 m or 4.9 ft) varies with site quality and the
degree and type of disturbance (21,25).
The most detailed data available for growth of vegetative
reproduction comes from stands of a P. balsamifera x tristis
hybrid established from stem cuttings. After harvest of the
original stands, coppice stands are managed for several
rotations. Mean annual increment (stem plus branchwood) is 21 to
25 t/ha (9.5 to 11.0 tons/acre), depending on stand age and
rotation length (11). Other studies with this hybrid have shown
that 1- and 2-year-old coppice stands are taller and more
productive than stands of similar age established from stem
cuttings. Architecturally, the stands are different in that each
individual in coppice stands has 10 to 20 stems at age 1 and 4 to
8 stems at age 2. Stands from stem cuttings usually contain one
stem per individual at this age (20).
Internode length on young vegetative regeneration is usually
greatest in the lower part of the annual shoot. Buds are longest
in the central part of the shoot, and the terminal bud is equal
to the largest nodal bud. First-order branches are smallest at
the base of the previous year's growth and longest near the top.
Angle of divergence of first-order branches is 30° to 40°
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- USDA, Forest Service
provided by Silvics of North America
The range of balsam poplar spans about 110° in longitude (55°
to 165° W.) and 26° in latitude (42° to 68°
N.). It extends across North America along the northern limit of
trees from Newfoundland, Labrador, and Quebec west to Hudson Bay
and northwest to Mackenzie Bay. From northwest Alaska, its range
extends south to southwest Alaska and part of southcentral
Alaska, north and east British Columbia; east to southeast
Saskatchewan, east North Dakota, northeast South Dakota,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, northwest Indiana, Michigan, southern
Ontario, New York, and Maine. It is local in the western
mountains, south to northeast Oregon, Idaho, extreme northern
Utah, central Colorado, extreme northwest Nebraska, and the Black
Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. It is also scattered in
northern Iowa, northeast Ohio, Pennsylvania, northern West
Virginia, extreme eastern Maryland, and northwestern Connecticut.
-The native range of balsam poplar.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- USDA, Forest Service
Brief Summary
provided by Silvics of North America
Salicaceae -- Willow family
John C. Zasada and Howard M. Phipps
Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) is the northernmost
American hardwood. It grows transcontinentally on upland and
flood plain sites but attains the best development on flood
plains. It is a hardy, fast-growing tree which is generally short
lived, with some trees reaching 200 years. Other names are
balm-of-gilead, bam, tacamahac, cottonwood, or heartleaf balsam
poplar. Many kinds of animals use the twigs for food. The light,
soft wood is used for pulp and construction.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- USDA, Forest Service