Habit image, KVN698-H, USBG Production Facility, GGI Gardens Project
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN698-F, USBG Production Facility, GGI Gardens Project
Photograph of Sabatia sp.
Photograph of Sabatia angularis.
Photograph of Sabatia angularis.
Photograph of Sabatia angularis.
Photograph of Sabatia angularis.
Strong, M. T., 5967. Habit: habit. Sabatia brevifolia.
Strong, M. T., 5967. Habit: flower. Sabatia brevifolia.
Strong, M. T., 6081. Habit: flower. Sabatia brevifolia.
Strong, M. T., 5930. Habit: flowers. Sabatia brevifolia.
Strong, M. T., 6081. Habit: habit. Sabatia brevifolia.
Strong, M. T., 5930. Habit: habit. Sabatia brevifolia.
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN452-F, USBG, GGI Gardens Project
Habit image, KVN452-H, USBG, GGI Gardens Project
Strong, M. T., 6150. Habit: flower. Sabatia stellaris.
Strong, M. T., 6056. Habit: habit. Sabatia grandiflora.
Strong, M. T., 6056. Habit: flowers. Sabatia grandiflora.
Strong, M. T., 6159. Habit: flowers. Sabatia macrophylla.
Strong, M. T., 6159. Habit: habit. Sabatia macrophylla.
Robert H. Mohlenbrock. USDA SCS. Provided by USDA NRCS Wetland Science Institute (WSI).