A remarkable variety of specimens were shown by Brandt. Dimensions according to the text (pg 373): lengths 370-410 µm, widths 60-90 µm. It appears that fig 7 was red-drawn in Kofoid & Campbell (1929) as fig. 481, pg. 242.
Specimen from the South East Pacific sampled during the Biosope cruise in 2002.
Specimen from the South Eastern Pacific collected during the Biosope cruise in 2002.
Specimen from the South East Pacific collected during the Biosope cruise of 2002.
Drawing from the original description as Cyttarocylis edentata var. parumdentata by Karl Brandt (1906). Dimensions based on magnification given in the plate legend and the stated dimension of a figure in the preceding plate, given in the text, along with its magnification.
Parafavella elegans from the Canada Basin (Arctic) in August 2013. Lugol's-fixed specimen, Z-stack of images made using a 20x objective and DIC optics
Brandt described the species now known as Parafavella gigantea. Illustration from: Brandt, K. 1896. Die Tintinnen. Bibliotheca Zoologica, 20: 45-72.
Parafavella gigantea (Brandt 1896) from the Sea of Japan
Parafavella denticulata (Ehrenberg 1840) from the Japan Sea.
from Jrgensen, E. 1900. Ueber die Tintinnodeen der norwegischen Westkste. Bergens Museums Aarbog for 1899, no. 2., 1-48.
This species is the type species of the genus. The image is of a Lugol's-preserved specimen found in a sample from the BIOSOPE cruise in 2004 to the South Pacific. It has been reported from the South Atlantic, Mediterrean Sea and the South Pacific.
This tintinnid is about 400 microns long. This Lugol's-preserved specimen was found in samples from the South Pacific
Xystonellopsis dicymatica is a tropical tintiinid ciliate about 350 microns long. The image is of a lugol's preserved specimen ffrom the South East Pacific.