

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Actinoleuca campbelli (Filhol). (Text-fig. D.)

Patella campbelli Filhol, Compt. Rend., vol. 91, p. 1095, 1880 (Campbell Island; type in Mus. His. Nat. Paris); Miss. Is. Camp., p. 530, 1885. Acmaea campbelli (Filhol): Suter, Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. 7, p. 321, pl. 27, f. 19–21, 1907; Man. N.Z. Moll., p. 66, pl. 5, f. 10, 1913: Odhner, Vid. Medd. Dansk. Nat. For., Bd. 77, p. 10, 1924.

Notoacmea campbelli is related to N. calamus. It is, however a much smaller shell, uniformly pink in colour. It is an elevated conical species with an acute apex. The sculpture consists of numerous fine radiating riblets.

Radula: Centrals approximate, with short rounded cusps; laterals similar in shape and size to the centrals.

Bionomics.—Actinoleuca campbelli is found living on shells of Cantharidus pruninus, which lives on seaweed growing on coastal rocks at Ross Island, Auckland Islands. Odhner records this species from Campbell Island as on Macrocystis.

Distribution.—Campbell Island; Auckland Islands.”

(Oliver, 1926: 567)