Item Type: Video Title: Atlantic wolfish Species: Anarhichas lupus Behaviour: Hiding, sheltering, pipe Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- SchiehallionNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Schiehallion Site Description: Equipment Depth (m): 450 Latitude: 60 deg 20' 03" N Longitude: 4 deg 05' 56" W Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Temperate Man Made Rig: Subsea Viking Project Partners: Subsea 7 ROV: Hercules 5 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Item Type: Video Title: Greater eelpout Species: Lycodes esmarkii Behaviour: Resting, Coiled Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 650 Latitude: 60 deg 20' 03" N Longitude: 4 deg 05' 56" W Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Temperate Muddy Sand Rig: Jack Bates Laggan Project Partners: Total, Transocean, Subsea 7 ROV: Clansman 2 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Labroides dimidiatus (Cleaner wrasse). Coral Sea, Duration 11 seconds
Pseudanthias dispar is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Acropora spp. (Mixed hard coral garden). Coral Sea, Duration 29 seconds