Host plant:
Urtica dioica (common nettles, Groe Brennnessel), monophag, Imago is active from May to July (August), larvae develop in the stem and leaves of nettles, the beetle is hygrophileplease compare:
Nedyus quadrimaculatus who lives less convivial and its larvae bread in the roots.L: 3-4 mmPhylum: Arthropoda LATREILLE, 1829 (arthropods, Gliederfer)Subphylum: Hexapoda BLAINVILLE, 1816 (Sechsfer)Class: Insecta LINNAEUS, 1758 (insects, Insekten)Subclass: Pterygota LANG, 1888 (Fluginsekten)Infraclass:Neoptera MARTYNOV, 1923 Order: Coleoptera LINNAEUS, 1758 (beetles, Kfer)Suborder:Polyphaga EMERY, 1886Infraorder: Cucujiformia LATREILLE, 1802Superfamily: Curculionoidea LATREILLE, 1802 (weevils)Family Curculionidae LATREILLE, 1802 (weevils, Rsselkfer)Subfamily: Ceutorhynchinae GISTEL, 1848Tribus: Ceutorhynchini GISTEL, 1848Genus:
Parethelcus DIECKMANN, 1972
Parethelcus pollinarius FORSTER, 1771 (Gekrnter Nesselrssler)some info: info (German):, Hessen: Kassel, Blchen, ca. 270m asl., 12.05.2015IMG_6219