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Clypeomorus bifasciata persica Houbrick 1985

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Clypeomorus bifasciata persica

Figures 17, 18

DESCRIPTION.—Shell (Figure 18; Tables 8, 9). Adult shell turreted, reaching 20 mm in length and having teleoconch of 9.5 whorls with an apical angle of about 40 degrees. Length/width index 2.08. Protoconch unknown. Early whorls usually eroded, bearing sculpture of 3 spiral, beaded cords aligned to form axial riblets. Whorls moderately inflated. Penultimate whorl sculptured with 3 nodulose cords, the largest of which are anterior. Beads are large, round, almost knob-like and smooth, and somewhat axially aligned. There are about 13 beads on the anterior spiral cord of the penultimate whorl. Tiny spiral lirae occur between beaded spiral cords but are weak or nearly lacking. Former varix present on body whorl opposite outer lip. Body whorl large, wide, sculptured with about 6 dominant, wide, beaded spiral cords, each separated from the other by a thin, spiral, beaded cord. Shell base wide, solid and with only a slight siphonal constriction. Aperture ovate, a little less than one-third the shell length. Columella concave with slight columellar callus. Outer lip thick, beveled interiorly and with interior denticles. Anterior siphonal canal short, deeply incised. Shell color somewhat variable, but of a spotted or checkered appearance due to blackish background covered with white beads. Periostracum not evident. Operculum and radula essentially same as in nominate subspecies. Animal, radula, and reproductive biology unknown.

HOLOTYPE.—ANSP 263194, Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia (15.5 × 7.2 mm).

PARATYPES.—USNM 838028, Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia.

ETYMOLOGY.—Named after the Persian Gulf.
bibliographic citation
Houbrick, Richard S. 1985. "Genus Clypeomorus Jousseaume (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.403