
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Gonodactylus affinis de Man, 1902

Gonodactylus chiragra var. affinis de Man, 1902:912.

Gonodactylus chiragra var. confinis de Man, 1902:912, pl. 27: fig. 66.

Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus a Lanchester, 1903:448, pl. 23: fig. 6.

Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus b Lanchester, 1903:448, pl. 23: figs. 7, 7a.

Gonodactylus chiragra var. H. affinis.—Borradaile, 1907:211 [key], 212.

Gonodactylus chiragra var. K. confinis.—Borradaile, 1907:211 [key].

Gonodactylus segregatus.—Manning, 1968a:51, fig. 16.—Manning and Serène, 1968:114 [listed].—Manning, 1971:80 [key].—Moosa, 1973:4 [listed], 8.

Gonodactylus confinis.—Manning, 1971:80 [key].

MATERIAL.—Ternate, Molucca Islands, Indonesia; Kükenthal, leg.; syntypes of Gonodactylus chiragra var. affinis de Man: 1 , TL 21 mm; 2 , TL 32–34 mm (SMF 5766). Same; Kükenthal, leg.; 1894; holotype of Gonodactylus chiragra var. confinis de Man: 1 , TL 22 mm (SMF). Minikoi, Laccadive Islands; reef; syntype of Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus a Lanchester: 1 , TL 18 mm (MZC). Goidu, Goifurfehendu Atoll, Maldive Islands; reef; syntypes of Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus a Lanchester: 4 , TL 10–15 mm (MZC). South Male Atoll, Maldive Islands; 25 fms (46 m); syntype of Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus a Lanchester: 1 , TL 11 mm (MZC). Hulule, Male Atoll, Maldive Islands; reef; syntype of Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus a Lanchester: 1 juvenile, TL 8 mm (MZC). South Nilandu Atoll, Maldive Islands; 25 fms (46 m); syntype of Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus a Lanchester: 1 , TL 13 mm (MZC). South Nilandu Atoll, Maldive Islands; 19 fms (33 m); syntypes of Gonodactylus chiragra var. segregatus b Lanchester: 2 , TL 13–20 mm; 2 , TL 14–15 mm; 1 juvenile, TL 9 mm (MZC).

One lot containing a single female from North Male Atoll in 27–35 fms (49–67 m) could not be located in the collection at Cambridge.

DISTRIBUTION.—This species is known from Indonesia, where it was recorded from Ternate by de Man (1902) and from several localities in the Maluku region of Indonesia in 14–32 fms (26–59 m) (Moosa, 1973); Macclesfield Bank, South China Sea (Lanchester, 1903); from Goidu, Goifurfehendu Atoll, South Male Atoll in 25 fms (46 m), Hulule, Male Atoll, North Male Atoll in 27–35 fms (49–64 m), South Nilandu Atoll in 19–25 fms (33–46 m), and Minikoi, Laccadive Islands (all Lanchester, 1903); Seychelles, Amirante Island, Saya de Malha, and Wasin, British East Africa (Wasini, Kenya) (all Borradaile, 1907); and from Madagascar in 14 m and the Comoro Islands, intertidal zone (Manning, 1968a).
bibliographic citation
Manning, Raymond B. 1978. "New and rare stomatopod Crustacea from the Indo-West-Pacific region." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-36. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.264