Unresolved name

Tanidromites maerteni Fraaije, Van Bakel, Guinot & Jagt 2013

Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Tanidromites maerteni Fraaije, Van Bakel, Guinot & Jagt 2013
Species recognized by GBIF classification
Tanidromites maerteni Fraaije, Van Bakel, Guinot & Jagt 2023

Alternative Names

Tanidromites maerteni Fraaije, Van Bakel, Guinot & Jagt 2013
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3 - Test

Common Names

There are no common names associated with this taxon.

Curated hierarchies for Tanidromites maerteni Fraaije, Van Bakel, Guinot & Jagt 2013