More info for the terms:
swampHooded pitcher-plant has wider ecological amplitude than other
Sarracenia species, and grows on both wet and dry sites. It inhabits
mesic to well-drained upland savannas, wet flatwoods, and bogs [
Hooded pitcher-plants reach their largest size in the very wet habitat
of the Okefenokee swamp, where they grow intermixed with S. psittacina
on huge floating sphagnum islands called prairies. The plants are
hardier in wet substrates, indicating the drier locations are probably
not preferred [
Along the Gulf Coast, Sarracenia species are often associated with
Sphagnum, sundew (Drosera spp.), butterwort (Pinguicula spp.), pipewort
(Eriocaulon spp.), bladderwort (Utricularia spp.), grass-pink (Calopogon
spp.), burmannia (Burmannia spp.), and other genera characteristic of
acidic sites [