2010.03.26 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha, on disturbed, open soil on Braunsberg south flank (240 m).Rosetta shot of detail flower shot from the same day.Quite common.German name: Rundfrucht-HungerblmchenID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)
2010.03.26 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha, on disturbed, open soil on Braunsberg south flank (240 m).Detail from the habitat shot photo (note the round fruit).Quite common.German name: Rundfrucht-HungerblmchenID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)
2010.03.26 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha, on disturbed, open soil on Braunsberg south flank (240 m).Flowering from march till may.Quite common.German name: Rundfrucht-HungerblmchenID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd); this field guide differentiates Draba verna agg. into species with oblong fruit (D. verna s. str.) and those with rounder fruits, the latter further into those which have only little hair (D. praecox), and those which have plenty - the latter is this one, D. boerhavii.
A South African member of the Crassulaceae Family, known as Pig's Ears or as Cub's Paws. Some feel that it is just a subspecies of C. tomentosa. KEW Gardens, London.