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shrubAmerican sycamore is a valuable timber species that can be regenerated from
natural seed sources, by planting, or by coppice systems.
Seed: American sycamore invades bottomland old fields when adequate seed
sources are present [
59]. It often seeds in on clearcuts; good
initial establishment from natural seed sources requires some site
preparation [
79]. Its potential for establishment from direct seeding
is unknown [
Plantation: American sycamore usually shows good initial capture of planting
sites [
49]. American sycamores interplanted with herbaceous legumes were larger
than control plants 6 years after legume establishment [
36]. On mined
sites interplanting American sycamore with the nitrogen-fixing European black
alder (Alnus glutinosa) doubled American sycamore height and diameter growth over
that of control plants [
77]. Site characteristics, rather than site
preparation method, had the most pronounced effect on American sycamore height
growth [
24]. However, Hunt and Cleveland [
43] reported American sycamore growing
on disc-cultivated sites showed better growth than with other
treatments. American sycamore does not establish well in dense herb or shrub
cover [
77]. Clatterbuck and Burkhardt [
21] reported on the effects of
various mixtures and spacings for cherrybark oak (Quercus falcata) and
American sycamore plantations in Arkansas.
Coppice: For short-rotation intensive culture systems, American sycamore yield
is influenced by site, fertilizer, spacing, and rotation [
80]. American sycamore
has good coppice regeneration potential although it may not be
sustainable over many rotations. Geyer [
33] reported that American sycamore died
after two coppice harvests in Kansas. A high percentage of stumps
sprout, regardless of stump size or time of harvest. However, dormant
season cuts produce larger and heavier sprout clumps than cuts during
the growing season [
Insects and Diseases: Natural stands of American sycamore have few lethal
diseases [
22]; disease problems occur mostly in plantations. Important
diseases include anthracnose and eastern mistletoe (Phoradendron spp.)
78]. There have been some reports of a potentially serious disease of
American sycamore in Illinois and adjacent states, and possibly spreading to
Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. This disease has been
attributed to attacks by various organisms on environmentally stressed
trees; it is not attributed to a single cause [
22]. There are no
insects of economic importance in natural stands, although problems with
insects occur in landscaping trees [
Large American sycamores sometimes develop wind shake, a wood defect that reduces
its economic value [
78]. American sycamore is susceptible to ice damage
78]; of six trees examined after an ice/sleet storm in Missouri and
Illinois, only one escaped major damage [
Under powerlines, American sycamore regrowth was appreciably reduced with
pressure-injected malic hydrazide or daminozide [