
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Targionia hypophylla L. Sp. PI. 1136. 1753
Targionia Michelii Corda, in Opiz. Beitr. 649. 1829.
Targionia germanica Corda, in Opiz. Beitr. 649. 1829.
Targionia mexicana Lehm. & Lindenb.; Lehm Stirp. Pug. 4: 27. 1832.
Targionia capensis Hiiben. Hep. Germ. 17. 1834.
Targionia bifurca Nees & Mont.; Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. H. 9: 113. 1838.
Targionia convoluta Lindenb. & Gottsche; G. L. N. Syn. Hep. 576. 1846.
Thallus usually with a narrow purple margin above and deep-purple below, plane or nearly so wlien moist but often with the margins more or less incurved when dry, mostly 1-2 cm. long and 2-5 mm. wide; ventral branches including apical innovations usually abundant; epidermal cells averaging about 30 X 15 ;Lt, the trigones often with convex sides; pores somewhat elevated, appearing as more or less conspicuous white dots, with a broad membrane around the opening, surrounded by about 6 radiating series of cells with 2 cells in each series; filaments in the air-chambers composed of spheroidal cells, the terminal cells in the vicinity of the pores larger than the others and usually colorless except at their bases; ventral tissue composed of cells with more or less pitted walls, scattered cells containing oil-bodies present and sometimes slime-cells; ventral scales large but scarcely reaching the margin of the thallus; appendage lanceolate, mostly 0.25-0.45 mm. long and 0.1-0.2 mm. wide, the margin entire to sparingly and irregularly spinose-dentate. Autoicous; antheridia borne in a small cluster at the tip of a short ventral branch; involucre several cells thick throughout and developing air-spaces without filaments in thebasal part, becoming deep blackish-purple with age and often iridescent, the margins entire or minutely toothed; spores brown, mostly 60-80 fi in diameter, indistinctly tetrahedral, covered over with a very fine and irregular reticulum, the meshes mostly 2-3 m wide, and in addition with a coarse and regular, although often incomplete reticulum, the meshes 16-20 m wide; elaters mostly 8-12 fx wide, usually with two dark spiral bands throughout the entire length.
Type locality: Europe (Italy, Spain and Turkey).
Distribution : British Columbia south to California and Arizona ; Mexico ; Salvador ; also in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and various islands of the Pacific; growing on shaded and usually
rocky banks.
bibliographic citation
Caroline Coventry Haynes, Marshall Avery Howe, Marshall Avery Howe, Alexander William Evans. 1923. SPHAEROCARPALES - MARCHANTIALES; SPHAEROCARPACEAE, RIELLACEAE; RICCIACEAE, CORSINIACEAE, TARGIONIACEAE, SAUTERIACEAE, REBOULIACEAE, MARCHANTIACEAE. North American flora. vol 14(1) New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora