Associated Forest Cover
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Pin cherry, in pure stands or as a majority of the stocking, is
the forest cover type Pin Cherry (Society of American Foresters
Type 17) (14). It is frequently associated with quaking aspen and
bigtooth aspen (Populus tremuloides and P.
grandidentata) paper birch and yellow birch (Betula
papyrifera and B. alleghaniensis), striped
maple, red maple, and sugar maple (Acer pensylvanicum, A.
rubrum, and A. saccharum), American beech (Fagus
grandifolia), northern red oak (Quercus rubra), balsam
fir (Abies balsamea), and red spruce (Picea rubens).
Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) and American mountain-ash
(Sorbus americana) are additional associates in the
southern Appalachians. Chokecherry and black cherry (Prunus
virginiana and R serotina) are common associates in
the Lake States.
Pin cherry is a component of the following forest cover types:
16 Aspen
17 Pin Cherry
18 Paper Birch
19 Gray Birch-Red Maple
20 White Pine-Northern Red Oak-Red Maple
21 Eastern White Pine
25 Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch
28 Black Cherry-Maple
32 Red Spruce
34 Red Spruce-Fraser Fir
60 Beech-Sugar Maple
108 Red Maple
In addition to the understory tree species in pin cherry stands,
numerous shrubs and forbs occur, including blackberry (Rubus
spp.), redberry elder (Sambucus pubens), hobblebush
(Viburnum alnifolium), American yew (Taxus
canadensis), dwarf raspberry (Rubus pubescens), wild
sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis), largeleaf aster (Aster
macrophyllus), mountain aster (A. acuminatus), violets
(Viola spp.), bracken (Pteridium aquilinum), spinulose
woodfern (Dryopteris spinulosa), and shining clubmoss
(Lycopodium lucidulum) (14).
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Throughout the range of pin cherry, the mean annual number of days
with minimum temperatures below 0° C (32° F) is 90 in
the southern Appalachians to more than 180 in the northern and
western part of the range (28). Normal annual total precipitation
ranges from 2030 mm (80 in) in the Great Smoky Mountains to 410
mm (16 in) in the western part of the range. Mean annual total
snowfall ranges from 61 cm (24 in) in the southern Appalachians
to 254 cm (100 in) in the northern part of the range. Normal
daily temperatures vary widely throughout the range of pin
Northeast and West
January max.
July max.
January min.
July min.
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Damaging Agents
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Many diseases attack pin cherry during
its short life. The most common leaf disease is cherry leaf spot,
Coccomyces hiemalis, which is recognized by purplish to
brown shot holes in the leaves that eventually cause yellowing of
leaves and premature leaf fall. Repeated attacks reduce tree
vigor. Other leaf spots on pin cherry are caused by Cercospora
circumscissa, Coryneum carpophyllum, and three species of
Phyllosticta. Additional pin cherry diseases are powdery
mildew, Podosphaera oxyacanthae var. tridactyla; rust,
Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae; and leaf curler, Taphrina
The most widespread and commonly observed disease of pin cherry is
black knot, Apiosporina morbosa (31). Extensive trunk rot
in the East is caused by Fomes pomaceus. This decay
delignifies the wood, which then becomes soft, stringy, and
discolored with brown flecks and streaks (18).
Most of the important insects that attack pin cherry are leaf
feeders, but because of the low economic value of pin cherry,
they are considered unimportant. A major leaf feeder is the
uglynest caterpillar, Archips cerasivoranus (Fitch) and
occasionally the eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma
americanum (17,30). Other leaf feeders are the cherry leaf
beetle, Pyrrhalta cavicollis, a relative of the elm leaf
beetle; Bruce spanworm, Operophtera bruceata; fall canker
worm, Alsophila pometaria; and a web-spinning sawfly,
Neurotoma fasciata (4). Many other insects attack Prunus,
but there are only a few references to their attacks on pin
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- USDA, Forest Service
Flowering and Fruiting
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Pin cherry flowers from late March
to early July. Flower buds are formed in August or September of
the preceding year (17). In Warren County, PA, flowers appear
from May 1 to May 15. The perfect flowers are white and 12 to 16
min (0.47 to 0.63 in) broad with long pedicels; they are borne in
corymbs or umbels and expand with the leaves. The globose fruits
ripen from July to September, depending on locality. They are
light red, 5 to 7 min (0.20 to 0.28 in) in diameter, and have
thin, acid flesh and subglobose stones 4 to 5 mm (0.16 to 0.20
in) long (9,10,16). Fruiting occurs as early as age 2 in natural
stands in Pennsylvania (16). Sexual maturity of natural dominant
trees in New Hampshire may be attained during the fourth growing
season though large quantities of fruits are not produced until
several years later (23).
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One variety has been described in Canada, Prunus pensylvanica
var. mollis (5).
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Growth and Yield
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Information on the growth and yield of
pin cherry is scarce. In thickets, it forms a closed canopy in 3
to 7 years and reaches maturity in 20 to 40 years (14). On dry,
compact glacial till soils in New Hampshire, where pin cherry may
comprise 50 percent of the species composition in sapling stands,
mean annual biomass production was 3290 kg/ha (2,931 lb/acre),
mean annual basal area growth was 1.30 m²/ha (5.66 ft²/acre),
mean annual d.b.h growth was 2 mm (0.08 in), and mean annual
height growth was 0.23 m (0.75 ft) (21).
When young stands of northern hardwoods are cut, nearly pure
stands of pin cherry often become established. When the pin
cherry dies, the succession is to sugar maple and beech. When
older stands are cut and the initial density of pin cherry is
lower, the succession is towards quaking aspen and bigtooth
aspen, yellow birch and paper birch. On lower elevations in New
England and south through the Appalachians, the succession is to
the White Pine-Northern Red Oak-Red Maple, White Pine, Red
Spruce, or Red Spruce-Fraser Fir types, or to the northern
hardwood types (14).
Pin cherry growth is rapid, and it is not uncommon for trees
growing on better sites in the central Appalachians to reach 20
to 25 cm (8 to 10 in) in diameter in 25 years (25). Pin cherry
rarely persists in eastern upland hardwood forests in the United
States for more than 35 years (2).
Annual biomass production, including belowground material, in
6-year-old stands of pin cherry was about 1660 g/m² (0.34
lb/ft²), which is higher than production in other temperate
climate forests (22).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Reaction to Competition
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Pin cherry is classed as very
intolerant of shade. Early height growth is rapid, and where
there is a high concentration of buried seed to produce seedlings
after cutting or burning, pin cherry usually is dominant over all
other vegetation.
In dense stands, the canopy closes in about 3 years, shading out
many of the early intolerant species. After 25 to 30 years, sugar
maple, beech, and in the northernmost regions, balsam fir are the
seral species. At intermediate densities, pin cherry may be
codominant with yellow birch, paper birch, and quaking aspen. At
low densities, dominance is shared by many species including
blackberries, striped maple paper and yellow birch, quaking
aspen, and stump sprouts of cut trees (23).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Rooting Habit
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Once a seedling attains a height of about 1
m (3 ft), lateral roots begin rapid growth (17). In New England,
root systems in 4- to 14-yearold stands were found to be shallow,
generally not over 36 cm (14 in) deep, and to have many lateral
branches (23). In West Virginia, root systems of wind-thrown
trees 25 years old were found to be confined to the upper 61 cm.
(24 in) of soil (25). New shoots can arise from pieces of root
left in the soil following site disturbance. Root cuttings, about
10 cm (4 in) in length, rooted 33 percent when incubated in soil
under favorable greenhouse conditions (17).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seed Production and Dissemination
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Fruits are dispersed by
gravity and to a much lesser degree by birds and small mammals
after the fruits ripen in July (12). The weight of cleaned seeds
per 45 kg (100 lb) of fruit ranges from 7 to 12 kg (16 to 27 lb).
The number of cleaned seeds per kilogram ranges from 17,600
(8,000/lb) to 48,100 (21,800/lb) and averages about 31,300/kg
(14,200/lb) (16).
In a 4-year study on the Monongahela National Forest in West
Virginia, trees with an average d.b.h. of 12 cm (4.7 in) yielded
0.64 liter (0.68 qt) of fruit per tree (26). Half the trees bore
fruit, and fruit yields varied substantially from year to year.
Fruits were produced at 3- to 4-year intervals. In New Hampshire,
dominant trees produced some fruit at 4 years, but quantity
production occurred later.
Despite its short life span of about 30 years, fruit production in
pin cherry is high. For 15-year-old, open-grown trees in pure
stands, annual fruit production was estimated at 2,762,500 fruits
per hectare (1,118,000/acre). For 25-year-old pin cherry stands
in the same area of New Hampshire, annual seed production was
2,324,500/ha (940,700/acre) (23).
Many seeds remain buried in the soil in areas where pin cherry
once grew. Some seeds are disseminated by birds that excrete or
regurgitate the seeds at a distance from their source, and some
are moved by mammals (1,23). In two areas in New Hampshire, the
average number of viable pin cherry seeds in the forest floor
ranged from 345,000/ha (139,676/acre) to 494,000/ha
(200,000/acre) (23). In other New Hampshire stands, depending on
stand age, the number of viable seeds in the forest floor ranged
from 10,000 to 1,110,500/ha (4,050 to 450,000/acre) (15). It has
been estimated that some seeds buried in the soil retain their
viability for 50 to 150 years (15,22).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seedling Development
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Pin cherry germination is epigeal
and most pin cherry reproduction arises from seed stored in the
forest floor. In natural stands in northwestern Pennsylvania,
Marquis (24) reported 36,800/ha (14,900/acre), 14,100/ha
(5,700/acre), and 46,700/ha (18,900/acre) pin cherry seedlings
germinating after removal of one-half, two-thirds, and all of the
overstory, respectively.
In New England, more pin cherry seedlings germinated from soil
blocks taken from 38- and 95-yearold stands than from 5- or
200-year-old stands (15). More than 70 percent germinated during
the first summer in the 38- and 95-year-old stand samples. The
number of germinating seeds was 2, 111, 52, and 1 per m²
(from fewer than 1 to 10/ft²) for the 5-, 38-, 95-, and
200-year-old stands, respectively.
In the central Appalachians in West Virginia, dense thickets of
pin cherry frequently develop after clearcutting 40- to
70-year-old hardwood stands. On two areas 5 years after
clearcutting, there were between 2,470 and 7,410 pin cherry
seedlings/ha (1,000 and 3,000/acre) 0.3 m (1.0 ft) high and up to
2.5 cm (1.0 in) in d.b.h. and between 680 and 990 stems/ha (275
to 400/acre) 2.5 to 12.7 cm (1.0 to 5.0 in) d.b.h. (25).
A small amount of pin cherry seed probably germinates annually in
northern hardwood stands. However, seedlings have been reported
to survive only in large openings where light and moisture were
more available. The largest number of pin cherry seedlings
appeared in response to major disturbances such as heavy cutting
or burning (23). In one study, mechanical removal of the endocarp
and a cool temperature, 15° C (59° F), promoted better
pin cherry germination. The germination rate of pin cherry was
greatly improved by soaking seed for 24 hours in a chemical
solution (0.5 M hydroxylammonium chloride) followed by a series
of drastic temperature fluctuation treatments (20). With this
treatment the seed germination rate was more than 75 percent.
Often pin cherry seed germination is less than 10 percent when
seed viability is 100 percent. It appears that the factor
triggering increased germination of buried pin cherry seed
following forest disturbance is the more extreme temperature
fluctuation created by removing the overstory (20). Although the
factors accounting for the natural germination of pin cherry
could not be determined exactly, apparently (a) time is needed to
age the endocarp so it becomes more permeable to water and
oxygen, and (b) changes in soil and water chemistry in response
to the altered microclimate of a disturbed site or to other
conditions is necessary (22).
In northeastern Pennsylvania, pin cherry germination generally
increased with light under no moisture stress, but under normal
moisture stress, germination was best under partial shade. Under
heavy shade, pin cherry seedling mortality is high, but with
increasing light, survival is increased. Growth of seedlings is
rapid and directly related to the amount of light received (24).
Repeated applications of N to existing sawtimber stands could
reduce the pin cherry component in future stands. In situations
where pin cherry outgrows other more desirable species after
regeneration cuttings, N fertilization might benefit maturing
stands by increasing growth rates of residual trees and reducing
the numbers of pin cherry seeds that would germinate and later
compete with preferred reproduction (2).
Ripened fruits of pin cherry should be collected from trees or
from the ground in late summer. For storage the pulp should be
removed and the seeds stored in sealed containers at 1° to 3°
C (34° to 38° F). Seed viability has been retained for
up to 10 years under these conditions (12).
For nursery sowing, pin cherry seed should be stratified in moist
sand for 60 days at alternating temperatures of 20° to 30°
C (68° to 86° F) and for 90 days between 3° to 5°
C (37° to 41° F) (16).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Special Uses
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Twenty-five species of nongame birds, several upland game birds,
fur and game mammals, and small mammals eat pin cherry fruit.
Buds are eaten by upland game birds, especially sharp-tailed and
ruffed grouse. Foliage and twigs are browsed by deer. However, the
foliage has a high calcium to phosphorous ratio which is
undesirable for good deer nutrition. Except in dense thickets,
pin cherry provides only fair nesting cover and materials for
birds. Beavers cut pin cherry and may completely remove small
stands (12). Leaves are poison (hydrocyanic acid) to livestock
under certain conditions. However, the toxicity of pin cherry
leaves is lower than that of most other cherry species (17).
Because of its early place in succession and its rapid growth, pin
cherry is important for minimizing losses of nutrients from an
ecosystem. The rapid development of early successional species,
such as pin cherry, channels water from runoff to
evapotranspiration, thereby reducing erosion and nutrient loss;
modifies the microclimate which reduces the rate of decomposition
of litter and production of soluble ions; and incorporates into
the developing biomass nutrients that do become available (22).
In general, pin cherry is not used for lumber and is considered a
noncommercial species. It occurs in abundance, however, over a
wide range of sites and produces large quantities of biomass in a
relatively short time. The species has been described as well
adapted to intensive management and chip harvesting on short
rotations for fiber and fuel (13). At least one paper company
accepts pin cherry along with other hardwood species in West
Virginia (8). Undoubtedly, it is also mixed with hardwoods in
other areas.
In the nursery trade, pin cherry has been used as a grafting and
budding stock for sour cherry (12,29).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Vegetative Reproduction
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Because pin cherry suckers
readily, it should grow well from root cuttings. Sour cherry is
often grafted on pin cherry root stocks, but budding is a more
common practice (3,29).
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provided by Silvics of North America
Pin cherry grows from Newfoundland and Labrador west to southern
Mackenzie District and British Columbia in Canada. Scattered
stands are found south in the Rocky Mountains to Montana and
Colorado; southeastward from the Black Hills of South Dakota to
Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, northeast to New
England. In the Southeast its range follows the Appalachian
Mountains south to northern Georgia and eastern Tennessee.
-The native range of pin cherry.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Brief Summary
provided by Silvics of North America
Rosaceae -- Rose family
G. W. Wendel
Pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica) is a small common
tree inhabiting a great variety of lands in the northern part of
the United States and Canada. It is sometimes called fire cherry
for its value as a reforesting agent after forest fires. It forms
pure stands that provide shade for seedlings of slower growing
species, then dies off, making way for the new trees. Another
common name, bird cherry, reflects the prevalent use of the fruit
by birds as food. It is also called northern pin cherry, wild red
cherry, and pigeon cherry. The soft porous wood is of little
commercial value.
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- USDA, Forest Service