Description: Deutsch: Habitat Taxonym: Amelanchier ovalis ss Fischer et al. EfÖLS 2008
ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 Fundort: bei Bad Vöslau, Bezirk Baden, Niederösterreich - ca. 470 m ü. A. Standort: Schwarz-Föhren-Wald English: Habitat Taxonym: Amelanchier ovalis ss Fischer et al. EfÖLS 2008
ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 Location: near Bad Vöslau, district Baden, Lower Austria - ca. 470 m a.s.l. Habitat: wood of Pinus nigra. Date: 5 May 2016, 16:05:13. Source: Own work. Author:
Stefan.lefnaer. Camera location
47° 58′ 50.11″ N, 16° 09′ 54.71″ E View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 47.980587; 16.165197.
Description: Čeština: Muchovník vejčitý (Amelanchier ovalis), poupata, Zoologická a botanická zahrada města Plzně. English: Snowy mespilus (Amelanchier ovalis), flower-buds, Zoological and botanical garden Plzen. Date: 10 April 2016, 16:03:51. Source: Own work. Author:
Alex Hauner.
Summary.mw-parser-output table.commons-file-information-table,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information{border:1px solid #a2a9b1;background-color:#f8f9fa;padding:5px;font-size:95%;border-spacing:2px;box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;width:100%}.mw-parser-output table.commons-file-information-table>tbody>tr,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information>tbody>tr{vertical-align:top}.mw-parser-output table.commons-file-information-table>tbody>tr>td,.mw-parser-output table.commons-file-information-table>tbody>tr>th,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information>tbody>tr>td,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information>tbody>tr>th{padding:4px}.mw-parser-output.fileinfo-paramfield{background:#ccf;text-align:right;padding-right:0.4em;width:15%;font-weight:bold}.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table+table.commons-file-information-table,.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table+div.commons-file-information-table>table{border-top:0;padding-top:0;margin-top:-8px}@media only screen and (max-width:719px){.mw-parser-output table.commons-file-information-table,.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table.fileinfotpl-type-information{border-spacing:0;padding:0;word-break:break-word;width:100%!important}.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table>tbody,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information>tbody{display:block}.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table>tbody>tr>td,.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table>tbody>tr>th,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information>tbody>tr>td,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information>tbody>tr>th{padding:0.2em 0.4em;text-align:left;text-align:start}.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table>tbody>tr,.mw-parser-output.fileinfotpl-type-information>tbody>tr{display:flex;flex-direction:column}.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table+table.commons-file-information-table,.mw-parser-output.commons-file-information-table+div.commons-file-information-table>table{margin-top:-1px}.mw-parser-output.fileinfo-paramfield{box-sizing:border-box;flex:1 0 100%;width:100%}} Description: Français : Amelanchier ovalis - Provence 2018. Date: 18 December 2022. Source: Own work. Author:
René Hourdry.
Description: Deutsch: Blühender Zweig Taxonym: Amelanchier ovalis ss Fischer et al. EfÖLS 2008
ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 Fundort: Harzberg bei Bad Vöslau, Bezirk Baden, Niederösterreich - ca. 470 m ü. A. Standort: Schwarz-Föhren-Wald English: Branch with flowers Taxonym: Amelanchier ovalis ss Fischer et al. EfÖLS 2008
ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 Location: Harzberg near Bad Vöslau, district Baden, Lower Austria - ca. 470 m a.s.l. Habitat: wood of Pinus nigra. Date: 5 May 2016, 12:53:45. Source: Own work. Author:
Stefan.lefnaer. Camera location
47° 58′ 29.76″ N, 16° 10′ 47.76″ E View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 47.974934; 16.179934.
Description: Deutsch: Felsenmispel (Amelanchier ovalis, Rosaceae), Gasterntal, Berner Oberland, Schweiz English: Amelanchier ovalis (Rosaceae); Gasterntal, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Date: 12 June 2005. Source: Own work. Author:
Description: Deutsch: Kuhschellenwiese in Lindabrunn, Niederösterreich.
: This media shows the natural monument in Lower Austria with the ID BN-161. (
de) :. Date: 23 April 2016, 14:13:55. Source: Own work. Author:
Description: Català: Corner (Amelanchier ovalis). Presa a la solana de Sant Just, de Pinós (Solsonès - Catalunya). A 620 m. d'alçada English: Amelanchier ovalis. In Pinós (Solsonès - Catalunya). To 620 m. altitude. Date: 18 April 2011, 10:20:31. Source: Own work. Author:
Isidre blanc. Camera location
41° 52′ 33.89″ N, 1° 30′ 49.6″ E : View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap -
Google Earth:
41.876081; 1.513777.
Description: Català: Fotografia presa entre Mont-ral i les fonts del riu Glorieta.
Muntanyes de Prades (Baix Camp, Conca de Barberà, Alt Camp, Priorat, Garrigues) (Montblanc, Vimbodí, Mont-ral i altres). : This is a a photo of a natural area in Catalonia, Spain, with id: ES510143. Date: 26 April 2015, 12:38. Source: Own work. Author:
pere prlpz.
Description: Deutsch: Blühender Zweig Taxonym: Amelanchier ovalis ss Fischer et al. EfÖLS 2008
ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 Fundort: Harzberg bei Bad Vöslau, Bezirk Baden, Niederösterreich - ca. 470 m ü. A. Standort: Schwarz-Föhren-Wald English: Branch with flowers Taxonym: Amelanchier ovalis ss Fischer et al. EfÖLS 2008
ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 Location: Harzberg near Bad Vöslau, district Baden, Lower Austria - ca. 470 m a.s.l. Habitat: wood of Pinus nigra. Date: 5 May 2016, 12:54:12. Source: Own work. Author:
Stefan.lefnaer. Camera location
47° 58′ 29.79″ N, 16° 10′ 47.71″ E View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 47.974941; 16.179920.
Description: Català: Corner (Amelanchier ovalis). Presa al Pas de les Eugues del Montsec de Rúbies (Noguera-Catalunya). A 1.330 m. d'altitud English: Amelanchier ovalis. In Montsec de Rúbies (Noguera-Catalunya). To 1.330 m. altitude : This is a a photo of a natural area in Catalonia, Spain, with id: ES510192. Date: 17 May 2016, 11:25:57. Source: Own work. Author:
Isidre blanc. Camera location
42° 01′ 16.17″ N, 0° 59′ 32.97″ E : View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap -
Google Earth:
42.021159; 0.992493.
Description: Deutsch: Felsenbirne (Amelanchier ovalis). Date: 16 June 2019, 11:28:04. Source: Own work. Author:
Giftzwerg 88.
Yebra de Basa: Pirineo aragons (Espaa)Familia: ROSACEAEDistribucin: C y S de Europa; en la Pennsula por las montaas de la mitad N y E; en Aragn por Pirineos y Sistema Ibrico y muy localizada en el centro del Valle del Ebro (Sierra de Alcubierre). Hbitat: En orlas forestales, principalmente de carrascal, quejigal y pinar, pero tambin, aunque ms rara, en otro tipo de bosques, en matorrales de boj, erizn, aliaga, brezo y en lugares rocosos como canchales, pedrizas, repisas y grietas de roquedos.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente Tanto en sustrato cido como en calizas pero falta en los suelos yesosos y salobres.Rango altitudinal: ( 270 ) 500- 1800 ( 2000 ) mFloracin: Abril - Mayo ( Junio )Fructificacin: Mayo - Junio ( Agosto )Forma Biolgica: Macrofanerfito perennifolioExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
Portell de Morella, Valencia, Spain
Amelanchier ovalisSnowy Mespilus, DE: Gewhnliche Felsenbirne, Echte Felsenbirne, EdelweistrauchSlo.: marna hruicaDat.: May 19. 2014Lat.: 46.42104 Long.: 13.58588Code: Bot_797/2014_IM09G54Habitat: Road side, steep rocky slope, southwest oriented, light mixed forest, dominant trees Picea abies, Pinus nigra, Pinus mugo, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus ornus; calcareous ground; relatively warm and moist place; full sun; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 4-6 deg C, elevation 1.140 m (3.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Predil pass region, next to the road Bovec-Predel, somewhat lower than the fortress Herman, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comment: For me Amelanchier ovalis is one of the most beautiful bushes in Slovenia. Nothing similar exists, so the determination is easy and no confusion possible. The white flowers, which appear before the leaves fully develop, along with white hairy juvenile leafs give to the plant unique tender, bright and soft looking appearance. In spring the bushes looks like snowballs (English name!) in midst of fresh greenery of developing leaves of beeches and other broad-leafed trees. Where combined with dark colors of conifers they offer wonderful scenes. Fruits, which ripe in autumn, are edible. Amelanchier ovalisis grows all over Slovenia (except in its northeast plains and hills) and in the whole Alps in general as well as in other European mountains. On several places in Slovenia the bushes form extendad beautiful stands; nevertheless, the plant photographed on Predil pass was solitary.Ref.:(1) D. Aeschimann, K. Lauber, D.M. Moser, J.P. Theurillat, Flora Alpina, Vol. 1. Haupt (2004), p 800.(2) M.A. Fischer, W. Adler, K. Oswald, Exkursionsflora sterreich Liechtenstein, Sdtirol, LO Landesmuseen, Linz, Austria (2005), p 532.(3) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije, Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007) (in Slovene), p 281. (4) Rothmaler 3, Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 11. Aufl., Elsevier, Spectrum (2007), p 267.
Amelanchier ovalisSnowy Mespilus, DE: Gewhnliche Felsenbirne, Echte Felsenbirne, EdelweistrauchSlo.: marna hruicaDat.: May 19. 2014Lat.: 46.42104 Long.: 13.58588Code: Bot_797/2014_IM09G54Habitat: Road side, steep rocky slope, southwest oriented, light mixed forest, dominant trees Picea abies, Pinus nigra, Pinus mugo, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus ornus; calcareous ground; relatively warm and moist place; full sun; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 4-6 deg C, elevation 1.140 m (3.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Predil pass region, next to the road Bovec-Predel, somewhat lower than the fortress Herman, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comment: For me Amelanchier ovalis is one of the most beautiful bushes in Slovenia. Nothing similar exists, so the determination is easy and no confusion possible. The white flowers, which appear before the leaves fully develop, along with white hairy juvenile leafs give to the plant unique tender, bright and soft looking appearance. In spring the bushes looks like snowballs (English name!) in midst of fresh greenery of developing leaves of beeches and other broad-leafed trees. Where combined with dark colors of conifers they offer wonderful scenes. Fruits, which ripe in autumn, are edible. Amelanchier ovalisis grows all over Slovenia (except in its northeast plains and hills) and in the whole Alps in general as well as in other European mountains. On several places in Slovenia the bushes form extendad beautiful stands; nevertheless, the plant photographed on Predil pass was solitary.Ref.:(1) D. Aeschimann, K. Lauber, D.M. Moser, J.P. Theurillat, Flora Alpina, Vol. 1. Haupt (2004), p 800.(2) M.A. Fischer, W. Adler, K. Oswald, Exkursionsflora sterreich Liechtenstein, Sdtirol, LO Landesmuseen, Linz, Austria (2005), p 532.(3) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije, Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007) (in Slovene), p 281. (4) Rothmaler 3, Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 11. Aufl., Elsevier, Spectrum (2007), p 267.
Amelanchier ovalisSnowy Mespilus, DE: Gewhnliche Felsenbirne, Echte Felsenbirne, EdelweistrauchSlo.: marna hruicaDat.: May 19. 2014Lat.: 46.42104 Long.: 13.58588Code: Bot_797/2014_IM09G54Habitat: Road side, steep rocky slope, southwest oriented, light mixed forest, dominant trees Picea abies, Pinus nigra, Pinus mugo, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus ornus; calcareous ground; relatively warm and moist place; full sun; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 4-6 deg C, elevation 1.140 m (3.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Predil pass region, next to the road Bovec-Predel, somewhat lower than the fortress Herman, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comment: For me Amelanchier ovalis is one of the most beautiful bushes in Slovenia. Nothing similar exists, so the determination is easy and no confusion possible. The white flowers, which appear before the leaves fully develop, along with white hairy juvenile leafs give to the plant unique tender, bright and soft looking appearance. In spring the bushes looks like snowballs (English name!) in midst of fresh greenery of developing leaves of beeches and other broad-leafed trees. Where combined with dark colors of conifers they offer wonderful scenes. Fruits, which ripe in autumn, are edible. Amelanchier ovalisis grows all over Slovenia (except in its northeast plains and hills) and in the whole Alps in general as well as in other European mountains. On several places in Slovenia the bushes form extendad beautiful stands; nevertheless, the plant photographed on Predil pass was solitary.Ref.:(1) D. Aeschimann, K. Lauber, D.M. Moser, J.P. Theurillat, Flora Alpina, Vol. 1. Haupt (2004), p 800.(2) M.A. Fischer, W. Adler, K. Oswald, Exkursionsflora sterreich Liechtenstein, Sdtirol, LO Landesmuseen, Linz, Austria (2005), p 532.(3) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije, Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007) (in Slovene), p 281. (4) Rothmaler 3, Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 11. Aufl., Elsevier, Spectrum (2007), p 267.
Amelanchier ovalisSnowy Mespilus, DE: Gewhnliche Felsenbirne, Echte Felsenbirne, EdelweistrauchSlo.: marna hruicaDat.: May 19. 2014Lat.: 46.42104 Long.: 13.58588Code: Bot_797/2014_IM09G54Habitat: Road side, steep rocky slope, southwest oriented, light mixed forest, dominant trees Picea abies, Pinus nigra, Pinus mugo, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus ornus; calcareous ground; relatively warm and moist place; full sun; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 4-6 deg C, elevation 1.140 m (3.750 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Predil pass region, next to the road Bovec-Predel, somewhat lower than the fortress Herman, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comment: For me Amelanchier ovalis is one of the most beautiful bushes in Slovenia. Nothing similar exists, so the determination is easy and no confusion possible. The white flowers, which appear before the leaves fully develop, along with white hairy juvenile leafs give to the plant unique tender, bright and soft looking appearance. In spring the bushes looks like snowballs (English name!) in midst of fresh greenery of developing leaves of beeches and other broad-leafed trees. Where combined with dark colors of conifers they offer wonderful scenes. Fruits, which ripe in autumn, are edible. Amelanchier ovalisis grows all over Slovenia (except in its northeast plains and hills) and in the whole Alps in general as well as in other European mountains. On several places in Slovenia the bushes form extendad beautiful stands; nevertheless, the plant photographed on Predil pass was solitary.Ref.:(1) D. Aeschimann, K. Lauber, D.M. Moser, J.P. Theurillat, Flora Alpina, Vol. 1. Haupt (2004), p 800.(2) M.A. Fischer, W. Adler, K. Oswald, Exkursionsflora sterreich Liechtenstein, Sdtirol, LO Landesmuseen, Linz, Austria (2005), p 532.(3) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije, Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007) (in Slovene), p 281. (4) Rothmaler 3, Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 11. Aufl., Elsevier, Spectrum (2007), p 267.