Francisco Javier Peris-Felipo, Sergey A. Belokobylskij, Ricardo Jiménez-Peydró
Figures 79–84.Dinotrema tinencaense sp. n. (female).79 Mesosoma 80 Mesonotum 81 Propodeum 82 First metasomal tergite 83 Metasoma and ovipositor 84 Fore and hind wings.
Paul M. Marsh, Alexander L. Wild, James B. Whitfield
Figure 117.Heterospilus tolupan Marsh, sp. n., holotype.
Pascal Rousse, Simon van Noort, E. Diller
Figure 26.Heterischnus mfongosi Holotype female. A head, anterior view B propodeum dorsal view C tergites 1–2, dorsal view D wings E mesosoma, lateral view F data labels.
Jose L. Fernández-Triana, James B. Whitfield, Josephine J. Rodriguez, M. Alex Smith, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie D. Hallwachs, Mehrdad Hajibabaei, John M. Burns, M. Alma Solis, John Brown, Sophie Cardinal, Henri Goulet, Paul D. N. Hebert
Figure 1.Bayesian Maximum Clade Credibility Tree (MCCT) for 180 species of Mesoamerican Apanteles with over 500 bp in the barcoding region and 29 species from other genera used as outgroups. Posterior probabilities over 0.50 are shown on the left side of nodes. Scale bar indicates branch length, expressed as the expected number of substitutions per site.
Eduardo Mitio Shimbori, Scott Richard Shaw
Figures 36–37.Metasomal terga 1–2. 36 Aleiodes colberti sp. n. 37 Aleiodes luteosicarius sp. n.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Jong-Wook Lee
Figure 5.Areolet of fore wing. A Dusona annexa (=Dusona americana) B Dusona celator C Dusona glauca D Dusona maruyamator E Dusona petiolator F Dusona rugosa G Dusona falcator H Dusona matsumurae I Dusona schikotani J Dusona signator K Dusona stragifex L Dusona ucrainica M Dusona bellipes N Dusona bicoloripes O Dusona chabarowski P Dusona cultrator Q Dusona japonica R Dusona mactatoides S Dusona scalprata T Dusona sasayamae U Dusona obliterata V Dusona obtutor W Dusona auriculator X Dusona longicauda.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Lille Vildmose
Figures 20–24.Cryptopimpla rufipedalis sp. n. Holotype. Female 20 Body, lateral view 21 Face 22 Vertex 23 Mesopleuron 24 Propodeum.
Andrew M.R. Bennett, Diana I. Barnes
Figures 6–7. Habitus 6 Zambion rogeri, holotype male 7 Zambion eileenae, holotype female.
Robert Wharton, Lauren Ward, Istvan Miko
Figures 46–49.Eurytenes (Stigmatopoea) spp. 46 ES.) maya Wharton sp. n., paratype female, head, lateral view 47 ES.) norrbomi Wharton sp. n., holotype female, head, lateral view 48 ES.) maya, paratype female, head and mesosoma, dorsal view 49 ES.) norrbomi, holotype female, dorsal view.
Thorkild Munk, Francisco Javier Peris-Felipo, Ricardo Jiménez-Peydró
Figures 40–45.Dinotrema valvulatum sp. n. (female). 40 Habitus, lateral view 41 Head, lateral view 42 Mandible 43 Antenna 44 Basal segments of antenna 45 Head, dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 29–32.Opius spp., holotypes. 29 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., fore and hind wing 30 Opius matthaei fore wing31 Opius curiosicornis Fischer, T1 lateral view 32 Opius filiflagellatus Fischer, metasoma.
Francisco Javier Peris-Felipo, Sergey A. Belokobylskij, Ricardo Jiménez-Peydró
Figures 85–90.Dinotrema torreviejaense sp. n. (female). 85 Habitus, lateral view 86 Head, lateral view 87 Mandible 88 Antenna 89 Basal segments of antenna 90 Head, dorsal view.
Paul M. Marsh, Alexander L. Wild, James B. Whitfield
Figure 118.Heterospilus townesi Marsh, sp. n.: A–C paratype D–E holotype.
Pascal Rousse, Simon van Noort, E. Diller
Figure 27.Heterischnus mkomazi Holotype male. A habitus lateral view B habitus dorsal view C head, anterior mesosoma, dorsal view.
Jose L. Fernández-Triana, James B. Whitfield, Josephine J. Rodriguez, M. Alex Smith, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie D. Hallwachs, Mehrdad Hajibabaei, John M. Burns, M. Alma Solis, John Brown, Sophie Cardinal, Henri Goulet, Paul D. N. Hebert
Figure 126.Apanteles pablotranai. A Habitus, lateral view B Fore wing C Hypopygium and ovipositor sheats D Antenna E Head, frontal view F Head, dorsal view G Head, meso- and metasoma, dorsal view.
Eduardo Mitio Shimbori, Scott Richard Shaw
Figures 121–126.Tarsal claws. 121 Aleiodes colberti sp. n. 122 Aleiodes dyeri sp. n. 123 Aleiodes falloni sp. n. 124 Aleiodes luteosicarius sp. n. 125 Aleiodes stewarti sp. n. 126 Aleiodes stilpnos Townsend.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Jong-Wook Lee
Figure 7.2nd and 3rd terga in lateral view. A Dusona bellipes B Dusona bicoloripes C Dusona chabarowski D Dusona cultrator E Dusona japonica F Dusona mactatoides G Dusona scalprata H Dusona sasayamae I Dusona obliterata J Dusona obtutor K Dusona auriculator L Dusona longicauda.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Figures 13–21.Stephanospathius benoiti sp. n. female 13 total view 14 mesosoma and coxae, lateral view 15 pronotum and mesoscutum 16 propodeum, hind coxa and femur and basal half of metasoma, lateral view 17 fore femur and tibia, inner view 18 first tergite, dorsal view 19 second and third tergites, dorsal view 20 apical part of metasoma with hypopygium, lateral view 21 fore and hind wings.
Andrew M.R. Bennett, Diana I. Barnes
Figures 10–15. Head, anterior view 10 Zambion hirtum, paratype male 11 Zambion monodon, paratype male 12 Zambion rogeri, paratype male 13 Zambion eileenae, holotype female 14 Zambion wahli, paratype male 15 Zambion broadi, holotype male.