Jose L. Fernández-Triana, James B. Whitfield, Josephine J. Rodriguez, M. Alex Smith, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie D. Hallwachs, Mehrdad Hajibabaei, John M. Burns, M. Alma Solis, John Brown, Sophie Cardinal, Henri Goulet, Paul D. N. Hebert
Figure 68.Apanteles andreacalvoae. A Habitus, lateral view B Fore wing C Hypopygium and ovipositor sheats D Anterior half of antenna E Posterior half of antenna F Head, frontal view G Head, meso- and metasoma, dorsal view.
Eduardo Mitio Shimbori, Scott Richard Shaw
Figures 77–81.Aleiodes napo sp. n. 77 habitus 78 metasoma, dorsal 79 mesonotum, dorsal 80 host larva (Noctuidae) 81 host mummy after parasitoid emergence 82, 83 Aleiodes nebulosus Townsend 82 habitus 83 wings.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Jong-Wook Lee
Figure 5.Areolet of fore wing. A Dusona annexa (=Dusona americana) B Dusona celator C Dusona glauca D Dusona maruyamator E Dusona petiolator F Dusona rugosa G Dusona falcator H Dusona matsumurae I Dusona schikotani J Dusona signator K Dusona stragifex L Dusona ucrainica M Dusona bellipes N Dusona bicoloripes O Dusona chabarowski P Dusona cultrator Q Dusona japonica R Dusona mactatoides S Dusona scalprata T Dusona sasayamae U Dusona obliterata V Dusona obtutor W Dusona auriculator X Dusona longicauda.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 18.Vertical alighting. 1 female of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. (blue arrow) grasps the ant’s metasoma with its fore tarsi 2 starts a 180° rotation around its longitudinal axis 3 at the same time initiates a second rotation, moving vertically towards the ant’s metasoma 4 alights downwards on the ant’s metasoma.
Ricardo Petersen-Silva, Juli Pujade-Villar, Pedro Naves, Edmundo Sousa, Sergey Belokobylskij
Figure 4.Face in frontal view of Meteorus corax (a)and Doryctes striatellus (b); head in dorsal view of Atanycolus ivanowi (c) and Doryctes striatellus (d); detail of forewing of Monochamus corax (e).
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 21–24.Opius spp. holotypes. 21 Opius albericus Fischer, T2+3 sculpture 22 Opius michaeli Fischer, T2+3 sculpture 23 Opius bicarinifer Fischer, head in dorsal view 24 Opius michaeli, head in dorsal view.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Janko Kolarov, Jong-Wook Lee
Figure 5.Propodeum, dorsal, of “australis” group. A Cymodusa aenigma B Cymodusa australis C Cymodusa longiterebra D Cymodusa oculator E Cymodusa orientalis F Cymodusa parva G Cymodusa rufiventris H Cymodusa tibialis I Cymodusa koreana sp. n. J Cymodusa yeungnamensis sp. n. K Cymodusa geolimi sp. n.
Paul M. Marsh, Alexander L. Wild, James B. Whitfield
Figure 140.Heterospilus barbalhoae Marsh, sp. n.: A–D paratype E holotype.
Pascal Rousse, Simon van Noort, E. Diller
Figure 3.Arearia oxymoron Holotype male. A habitus lateral view B habitus dorsal view C head, mesosoma, dorsal view.
Jose L. Fernández-Triana, James B. Whitfield, Josephine J. Rodriguez, M. Alex Smith, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie D. Hallwachs, Mehrdad Hajibabaei, John M. Burns, M. Alma Solis, John Brown, Sophie Cardinal, Henri Goulet, Paul D. N. Hebert
Figures 258–265.Cocoons of Apanteles species of Area de Conservación de Guanacaste. 258 Apanteles andreacalvoae 259 Apanteles arielopezi 260 Apanteles mauriciogurdiani 261 Apanteles diegoalpizari 262 Apanteles javiersihezari 263 Apanteles raulacevedoi 264 Apanteles bienvenidachavarriae 265 Apanteles marisolarroyoae.
Eduardo Mitio Shimbori, Scott Richard Shaw
Figures 84–91.Aleiodes nubicola sp. n. 84 habitus 85 head occiput and vertex 86 apical flagellomeres 87 female holotype metasoma, dorsal 88 male paratype metasoma, dorsal 89 head and mesonotum, dorsal 90 host larva (Geometridae) 91 host mummy after parasitoid emergence.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Jong-Wook Lee
Figure 7.2nd and 3rd terga in lateral view. A Dusona bellipes B Dusona bicoloripes C Dusona chabarowski D Dusona cultrator E Dusona japonica F Dusona mactatoides G Dusona scalprata H Dusona sasayamae I Dusona obliterata J Dusona obtutor K Dusona auriculator L Dusona longicauda.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 19. Stereomicroscopic image showing the fore legs of a female of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n.
Ricardo Petersen-Silva, Juli Pujade-Villar, Pedro Naves, Edmundo Sousa, Sergey Belokobylskij
Figure 5.Metasoma in dorsal view of Doryctes striatellus (a), Atanycolus ivanowi (b) and Coeloides sordidator (c); forewing of Coeloides sordidator (d); ma – mediobasal area.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 33–36.Opius spp. holotypes, habitus. 33 Opius michaeli Fischer 34 Opius matthaei Fischer 35 Opius petri Fischer 36 Opius raphaeli Fischer.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Janko Kolarov, Jong-Wook Lee
Figure 6.6th and 7th metasomal terga, dorsal, of “australis” group. A Cymodusa aenigma B Cymodusa longiterebra C Cymodusa orientalis D Cymodusa rufiventris E Cymodusa tibialis F Cymodusa koreana sp. n. G Cymodusa yeungnamensis sp. n. H Cymodusa geolimi sp. n.
Paul M. Marsh, Alexander L. Wild, James B. Whitfield
Figure 141.Heterospilus bennetti Marsh, sp. n.: A–C paratype D–E holotype.
Pascal Rousse, Simon van Noort, E. Diller
Figure 4.Arearia oxymoron Holotype male. A mesopleuron, lateral view B propodeum dorsal view C head, anterior view D tergites 2–4, dorsal view E wings F data labels.
Jose L. Fernández-Triana, James B. Whitfield, Josephine J. Rodriguez, M. Alex Smith, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie D. Hallwachs, Mehrdad Hajibabaei, John M. Burns, M. Alma Solis, John Brown, Sophie Cardinal, Henri Goulet, Paul D. N. Hebert
Figure 146.Apanteles balthazari. A Habitus, lateral view B Fore wing C Hypopygium and ovipositor sheats D Head, dorsal view E Mesosoma (partially), dorsal view F Propodeum and metasoma (partially), dorsal view.
Eduardo Mitio Shimbori, Scott Richard Shaw
Figures 92–95.Aleiodes onyx sp. n. 92 habitus 93 host mummy after parasitoid emergence 94 mesopleuron 95 mesosoma and metasomal terga 1–2, dorsal.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Jong-Wook Lee
Figure 2.General habitus in lateral view. A Dusona annexa (=Dusona americana) B Dusona celator C Dusona glauca D Dusona maruyamator E Dusona petiolator F Dusona rugosa G Dusona falcator H Dusona matsumurae I Dusona schikotani J Dusona signator K Dusona stragifex L Dusona ucrainica.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 20.Arrangement of the fore legs a female Kollasmosoma sentumsp. n. for the rotation movement. 1 The wasp (the red arrow points the apex of its metasoma) approaches the ant’s metasoma (blue arrow) and extends its fore legs (yellow arrow) 2 the right tarsus is placed over the left one 3 the wasp starts its counter clockwise rotation (yellow arrow points to separation between the fore legs) 4 the wasp alights downwards; at that moment the hind and middle legs (yellow arrow) grasp the ant’s metasoma, and the fore legs move forwards.