
Diagnostic Description

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J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 25: 296 (1889). Leptolaena multiflora var. cuspidata (Baker) H. Perrier, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 78: 60 (1931).Type: Baron 5835 [cited in protologue as " next 5836 "], Madagascar, chiefly from north-west Madagascar, fr. (holo-, K!; iso-, P!).

. 3.Distributions of Leptolaena , mapped on the bioclimatic zones of Madagascar (after Cornet 1974; see Schatz 2000). L. cuspidata (& # 9650;), L. pauciflora ().

Vernacular names.Zahana, Zahena, Zana.

Conservation status.With an extent of occurrence <20,000 km 2, an area of occupancy <2,000 km 2, and only three of 14 sub-populations encompassed within protected areas, L. cuspidata is assigned a preliminary status of Vulnerable (VU).

Material examined.Baron 5836, 6283, without precise locality; Baum 333, Ambodimanga; Birkinshaw 1, Antsatsaka; Bosser 20152, Ampasindava; Cours 5674, Mt. Ambohiparaka; Decary 938, 1165, 2095, Maromandia; Decary 14775, 14794, Ambilobe; Derleth 89, Manongarivo RS; Gentry 11870, 57 - 58 km N of Ambanja; Hildebrandt 3306, Vavatobe; Humbert 18752, Ambanja; Humbert 19041, Ambodimagodro; Humbert 25580, SW of Ambilobe; Humbert 32649, Ankarana RS; Humbert 32873, Ambohipiraka; Perrier de la Bathie 3021, Ambanja; Perrier de la Bathie 3023, Maromandia; Perrier de la Bdthie 5340, Ambohipiraka; Perrier de la Bdthie 15677, bas Sambirano; Phillipson 2017, Beramanja; Ravololonanahary 37, Ambato; Service Forestier 3078, Irano (Irarona) to Beramanja; Service Forestier 3141, 3142, Andilamboay; Service Forestier 3171, Tsaratanana RNI; Service Forestier 7501, Bekaka to Benavony; Service Forestier 8225, Anjahakely (= Ampahakely); Service Forestier 10434, Ambilobe; Service Forestier 11486, Manongarivo RS; Service Forestier 12987, Anjakely; Stiefel 68, Manongarivo RS; Totozafy Be 563, Manongarivo RS.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Schatz, G. E., 2001, Endemic families of Madagascar. VII. A synoptic revision of Leptolaena Thouars sensu stricto (Sarcolaenaceaea)., Adansonia, pp. 171-189, vol. (3)23(2)
Schatz, G. E.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Leptolaena cuspidata

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Leptolaena cuspidata is a species of flowering plant in the Sarcolaenaceae family. It is found only in Madagascar. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.


Leptolaena cuspidata is a shrub to a small tree. It flowers from January to November.[1]

Range and habitat

Leptolaena cuspidata is endemic to northwestern Madagascar. It inhabits dry deciduous forests of central Diana Region, and the subhumid forests of the Sambirano region in southern Diana Region and northernmost Sofia Region. It grows from 10 to 500 meters elevation on a variety of substrates, including sandstone, lava, basement rock, Mesozoic limestone, unconsolidated sands, and alluvial and lake deposits. The species is known from 129 records at 21 locations. Based on the known locations, the species' estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) is 24,265 km2, and an estimated area of occupancy (AOO) of 252 km2. These estimates may be low because of under-sampling.[1]

Conservation and threats

The species has a declining population, and is threatened by habitat loss across much of its range. Threats include deforestation from shifting cultivation and logging, over-harvesting timber, and the declining population of animals, including birds and lemurs, which disperse its seeds.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d Rakotonirina, N. (2019). "Leptolaena cuspidata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T46492A70100850. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-2.RLTS.T46492A70100850.en. Retrieved 16 November 2021.
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Leptolaena cuspidata: Brief Summary

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Leptolaena cuspidata is a species of flowering plant in the Sarcolaenaceae family. It is found only in Madagascar. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.

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wikipedia EN