Kattegatcentret Grenå
Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier.
Moenkhausia agassizi Steindachner.
Anodus notatus.
Charax caliurus Eigenmann and Kennedy.
Serrasalmo scapularis, from the Essequibo.
Hydrocyon mickolepis. Native of all the Rivers of Guiana.
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Metynnis mola (Eigenmann and Kennedy).
Enlarged teeth of a young specimen of Myleus pacu Humboldt.
Myleus levis Eigenmann and McAtee.
Charax squamosus.
Astyanax and Deuterodon.
Serrasalmo emarginatus.
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Hemigrammus inconstans.
Leporinus pare.
Hysteronotus, Creagrutus, and Phenacogaster.
Charax squamosus Eigenmann and Kennedy.
Astyanax binoculatus L. A characin found everywhere in tropical south America, from Panama to Buenos Ayres est of the Andes, close relatives existed in the early tertiary. This photograph of a specimen from Trinidae.
Dentition of Myloplus micans (Lutken).
Aquarium, Paris
Dentition of Serrasalmo humeralis (Cuvier and Valenciennes).
Dentition of Pristobrycon calmoni (Steindachner).