Bouin's-fixed specimen from an Amundsen Sea sample provided by Eun Jin Yang
Specimen from a sample provided by Eun Jin Kim. Bouin's-fixed specimen showing a lorica covered with diatom frustules.
From the bay of Villefranche in Jan 2011, lugol's-fixed specimen
'Rockhound' - Live specimen from Bay of Villefranche in Sept. 2010.
From an Indian mangrove wetland
Codonellopsis schabi from near the mouth of the Ganges River in Jan 2013 (station Ganga).
Condonellopsis schabi from the mouth of the Ganges River in Jan 2013 (st Ganga).
Condellopsis schabi - probably. A specimen nearly 'collar-less' found with many normal C. schabi. From the Ganges River mouth in Jan 2013, st Ganga.
Codonellopsis schabi from the mouth of the Ganges River. St Gangas in Jan 2013.
Original description of Codonellopsis morchella as Condonella morchella by Cleve (1899).
Codonellopsis morchella 'Rockhound' - Live specimen from Bay of Villefranche (43°41’10’’ N, 7°19’00’’ E) in Sept. 2010.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche, lugol's fixed
Condonellopsis pusilla was orignially described by Cleve (1899) as Codonella pusilla.
Specimen from the California Current in October 2008
This tintinnid ciliate is about 200 microns long. The species is found in the Med., this specimen was collected from waters off Rapa Nui in the South Pacific. This image was compiled from 12 pictures using Helicon software.
From Tafel 28, fig. 10 (Haeckel 1873): Codonellopsis orthoceras was originally described by Haeckel (1873) as Condonella orthoceras
Specimen from the Eastern Med
Codonellops schabi from an Indian mangrove wetland.
This is just the lorica.
This specimen was preserved whilst being attacked by a Didinium. The scene was preserved with Lugol's and is from a sample taken in the Great Lagoon of New Caledonia