
Ceratitis dumeti Munro, 1933

provided by Afrotropical Fruitfly Project
Ceratitis (Ceratalaspis) dumeti Munro
Ceratitis (Pardalaspis) dumeti Munro, 1933a: 35.
Body length: 4.74 (4.15-5.10) mm; wing length: 4.29 (4.15-4.60) mm.

Head. Antenna yellow-orange. Third antennal segment twice as long as second segment. Arista with short hairs over entire length. Frons with short scattered hairs which are distinctly darker than frons; convex, in lateral view not distinctly projecting forwards at antennal implant. Chaetotaxy normal for subgenus. Thorax. Postpronotum yellow-white, paler than centre mesonotum; unspotted. Ground colour of mesonotum pale with yellow-orange tinge; mesonotum, sometimes prescutellar spots weakly connected with dorsocentral setae, presutural spots variable and occasionally median line present. Chaetotaxy normal for subgenus. Scapular setae pale. One or two anepisternal bristles, lower bristle usually smaller and less developed, occasionally palish colour. Scutellum white basally, otherwise yellow with three black separate markings apically; basally without dark spots, only slight darker colouration. Subscutellum three black spots at same position as apical scutellar spots, widely separated. Legs yellow; setation typical for subgenus, mainly pale especially on femora. Ventral, posterior and posterodorsal rows on fore femur pale. Wing bands with extensively yellow markings. Banding, marginal band continuous; cubital band free, medial band absent; crossvein r-m before middle of discal cell. Crossvein dm-cu posteriorly more inwards than anteriorly. Abdomen. Yellow. Setation and banding typical for subgenus.
As male except for the following characters:
Antenna more yellow. Subscutellar markings narrowly separated (as in other Ceratalaspis spp.). Mesonotum with more outspoken orange tinge. Oviscape longer than abdominal terga 3-6 combined, or at least as long as terga.
(Description after De Meyer, 1998)
See description of Ceratitis dumeti Munro, 1933 in source PDF.
Marc de Meyer, MRAC
Marc de Meyer