Description: A community of sea stars, stony corals, mussels, tube worms, and cup corals around the bottom of the Thistle Platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Community of mussels, sea stars, tube worms and stony coral in the North Sea Species: Mytilus edulis, Asterias rubens, Pomatoceros triqueter, Lophelia pertusa, Caryophyllia smithii Behaviour: Community at base of rig Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: A torsk fish, sea star and devonshire cup corals at the bottom of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Torsk fish in the North Sea Species: Caryophyllia smithii, Brosme brosme, Asterias rubens Behaviour: On seabed Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Plumose anemones, ophiuroids, sea stars and mussel shells near the base of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Plumose anemones, sea stars and brittle stars in the North Sea Species: Metridium senile, Asterias rubens, Ophiuthrix fragilis, Urticina sp. Behaviour: Attached to and living on seabed Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: A torsk fish, sea star and empty mussel shells at the bottom of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Torsk fish, sea star and mussel shells in the North Sea Species: Brosme brosme, Asterias rubens Behaviour: Asterias rubens on mussel shells. Torsk fish swimming Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Sebastes sp. redfish and sea star with plumose anemones in the background around the subsea structure of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Redfish, sea star and plumose anemones in the North Sea Species: Metridium senile, Sebastes sp., Asterias rubens Behaviour: Anemones attached to subsea structures, redfish swimming, sea star on seabed Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Brittle stars, sea stars, anemones, devonshire cup corals and mussel shells near the base of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Sea stars, cup corals and brittle stars in the North Sea Species: Asterias rubens, Ophiuthrix fragilis, Urticina sp., Caryophyllia smithii Behaviour: Attached to and living on seabed Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: A torsk fish, plumose anemones, sea star and empty mussel shells at the bottom of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Torsk fish, plumose anemones, sea star and mussel shells in the North Sea Species: Brosme brosme, Asterias rubens, Metridium senile Behaviour: Attached to subsea structures and on sea bed Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: A torsk fish, plumose anemones, sea star and empty mussel shells at the bottom of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Torsk fish, plumose anemones, sea star and mussel shells in the North Sea Species: Brosme brosme, Asterias rubens, Metridium senile Behaviour: Attached to subsea structures and on sea bed Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: A torsk fish, plumose anemones, sea star and empty mussel shells at the bottom of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Torsk fish, plumose anemones, sea star and mussel shells in the North Sea Species: Brosme brosme, Asterias rubens, Metridium senile Behaviour: Attached to subsea structures and on sea bed Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Common starfish - Asterias rubens Item Type: Image Title: Common starfish - Asterias rubens Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- Norwegian -- Morvin Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 380 Countries: Norway -- Norwegian Sector Rig: West Alpha Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering, Seadrill Ltd. ROV: Magnum041 Deposited By: Dr Janne Kaariainen Deposited On: 22 June 2007
Description: Common starfish - Asterias rubens Item Type: Image Title: Common starfish - Asterias rubens Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- Norwegian -- Morvin Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 380 Countries: Norway -- Norwegian Sector Rig: West Alpha Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering, Seadrill Ltd. ROV: Magnum041 Deposited By: Dr Janne Kaariainen Deposited On: 22 June 2007
Description: A common starfish on the seabed at Lancaster, found at a density of 0.01 individuals per meter squared. Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LancasterNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Lancaster Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 155 Latitude: 60 deg 11' 13" N Longitude: 3 deg 51' 18" W Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: benthic Rig: Byford Dolphin Project Partners: Hurricane Exploration (HEX), Senergy, Fugro ROV: Fugro Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 15 December 2009
Description: A. rubens on seafloor Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 86 Latitude: 60 deg 32' 48" N Longitude: 1 deg 13' 44" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 19 October 2010
Description: Starfish located in among a dense aggregation of Ophiothrix fragilis Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 46 Latitude: 60 deg 32' 01" N Longitude: 1 deg 13' 55" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 19 October 2010
Description: Brittle star Ophiura albida with a starfish Asterias rubens in close proximity Item Type: Image Title: Ophiura albida Species: Ophiura albida, Asterias rubens Behaviour: Both species are on the surface of the sediment but there are track marks in the sediment suggesting that these animals have been moving through the field of view Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 46 Latitude: 60 deg 32' 01" N Longitude: 1 deg 13' 55" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 19 October 2010
Description: General seabed view with Modiolus shells covering the area, starfish Asterias rubens found also Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 41 Latitude: 60 deg 27' 28" N Longitude: 1 deg 08' 23" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 20 October 2010
Description: Starfish Asterias rubens in amongst a dense aggregation of brittle stars Ophiothrix fragilis Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Species: Asterias rubens, Ophiothrix fragilis Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 73 Latitude: 60 deg 27' 43" N Longitude: 1 deg 04' 06" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 22 October 2010
Description: Starfish Asterias rubens surrounded by brittle stars Ophiothrix fragilis Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Species: Asterias rubens, Ophiothrix fragilis Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 65` Latitude: 60 deg 28' 15" N Longitude: 1 deg 01' 47" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 22 October 2010
Description: Large aggregation of brittle stars Ophiothrix fragilis with a hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus and Starfish Asterias rubens present. Item Type: Image Title: Ophiothrix fragilis Species: Ophiothrix fragilis, Pagurus bernhardus, Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 87 Latitude: 60 deg 28' 25" N Longitude: 1 deg 52' 00" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 22 October 2010
Description: general seabed. G. glycymeris shells, hermit crab (probably Pagurus bernhardus), sand mason polychaetes (Lanice conchilega) and starfish (Asterias rubens).
Item Type: Image Title: Pagurus bernhardus Species: Pagurus bernhardus, Asterias rubens, lanice conchilega Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 119 Latitude: 60 deg 28' 48" N Longitude: 0 deg 58' 23" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 29 October 2010
Description: Starfish Asterias rubens with a small urchin (Psammechinus miliaris or juvenile Echinus esculentus?) Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LagganNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Laggan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 119 Latitude: 60 deg 28' 48" N Longitude: 0 deg 58' 23" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Fugro Mercator Project Partners: Total ROV: Seaeye Tiger Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 29 October 2010
Description: Digital still collected as part of CODEMAP Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Copyright: CODEMAP Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- Rockall Bank Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 290 Latitude: 58 deg 04' 26" N Longitude: 14 deg 10' 03" W Habitat: Bank Rig: RRS James Cook ROV: SeaEye Lynx Deposited By: Ms Katleen Robert Deposited On: 08 October 2013
Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LancasterNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Lancaster Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 147 Latitude: 60 deg 11' 13" N Longitude: 3 deg 51' 18" W Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: benthic Rig: Sedco 712 Project Partners: Hurricane Energy, Transocean, Fugro ROV: Fugro Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 11 September 2014
Item Type: Image Title: Asterias rubens Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Asterias rubens Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- LancasterNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Lancaster Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 147 Latitude: 60 deg 11' 13" N Longitude: 3 deg 51' 18" W Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: benthic Rig: Sedco 712 Project Partners: Hurricane Energy, Transocean, Fugro ROV: Fugro Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 20 October 2014