Description: Crichton, Midlothian, Scotland. Notes: face without projecting hairs. Eyes hairy. Legs partly pale. Hind tibia entirely yellow. Scutellum with bristles. In Stubbs & Falk leads to 'grossa' group. Thoracic dorsum with pale hairs shorter than thickness of front metatarsus. Female either fraterna or bergenstammi. Very early for bergenstammi. All orange hind tibia suggests fraterna. Vernacular names English: Marsh-thistle Cheilosia Dansk: Kabbeleje-urtesvirreflue (Caltha Cheilosia) Deutsch: Español: Français: Nederlands: Moerasgitje (Marsh Cheilosia) Norsk (bokmål): bekkeblomflue (Marsh Marigold Fly) Svenska: kabblekeblomfluga. Date: 19 April 2011, 11:17. Source:
Cheilosia fraterna (female) - Marsh-thistle Cheilosia. Author:
S. Rae from Scotland, UK. Camera location
55° 50′ 34.63″ N, 2° 59′ 40.37″ W View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 55.842952; -2.994546.