Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
Cradley,Malvern, Worcs, SO7347
Cradley, Malvern, Worcs. SO729470
Cradley,Malvern, Worcs, SO7347
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Farmland - Braughing Friars - Field Trip - 19/07/14The Herts moth group assembled once more on their annual trip to a 10 acre site of Hertfordshire farmland that has been left in 2006 to grow wild.The vegetation was certainly dense and even encroaching over the roads that once had 40 tonne lorries driving up and down it every single day.Those days have long gone and 8 years down the line it is amazing how much nature has really taken a hold and used every inch of space to its full potential.It is really sad that this may be the last time we all get together and trap this site (I hope not)But with sad news comes good news, and boy did we go out in style.The list is still a work in progress with various moths with other people to be checked, I will compile my notes on the night of what we observed to the hanging sheet and all of the traps that we tried to empty carefullyCarefully with two things in mind, the moths flying off and Hornets...of which we had quite a few!The weather was absolutely perfect, warm overcast (most of the time) and humid with a faint southerly breeze at times and a minimum temperature reading on my car at 4am this morning of 18 degrees!The moths...well where do we start. We could of had a field day with all the beetle species that were coming to the traps let alone the 1000s of moths, yep that many I would predict.Stars of the show were Kent Black Arches, Waved Black, Brown-veined Wainscot, Lesser-spotted Pinion and Olive.The micros are now finally done and thanks to Colin Plant and Andy King for extra dissections from moths collected during the night, we seem to have a fair old whack of the Cnephasia species present on the farm for starters! We also got quite a few wetland species suggesting a lot of movement from other habitats.Numbers are very approximate! Please do email me for any corrections and additions chaps.Catch Report - 19/07/14 - Braughing Friars Farmland - Braughing 1x Hanging Sheet with 125w MV, 3x 125w MV Robinson Traps, 1x 40w Actinic Suitcase Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap & 1x 80w Actinic + CFL 26w Suitcase Trap.133 Macros and 115 Micros ( 248 species)Macro Moths1x Beautiful Hook-tip3x Black Arches2x Bordered Pug5x Bright-line Brown-eye2x Brimstone Moth15+ Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing10+ Brown-line Bright-eye1x Brown-veined Wainscot5x Buff Arches5x Buff Footman3x Buff-tip1x Burnished Brass1x Chinese Character3x Chocolate-tip100+ Cinnabar (Caterpillars)20+ Clay20+ Cloaked Minor1x Clouded Border2x Clouded Silver8+ Common Carpet5x Common Footman80+ Common Rustic5x Common Wainscot1x Currant Pug30+ Dark Arches1x Dark Dagger (checked)5x Dark Umber5x Dingy Footman1x Dingy Shears2x Dot Moth1x Double Lobed10+ Double Square-spot1x Double-striped Pug 2x Drinker15+ Dun-bar1x Dusky Brocade4x Dusky Sallow2x Dwarf Cream Wave1x Ear Moth2x Early Thorn12+ Elephant Hawk-moth3x Fan-foot 2x Fern2x Flame8+ Flame Shoulder 1x Garden Carpet2x Ghost Moth3x Green Pug2x Haworth's Pug5x Heart & Dart2x Iron Prominent15+ July Highflyer1x Kent Black Arches1x Knot Grass5x Large Twin-spot Carpet15+ Large Yellow Underwing5x Latticed Heath10+ Least Carpet10+ Least Yellow Underwing2x Leopard Moth10+ Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Lesser Common Rustic10+ Lesser Yellow Underwing1x Lesser-spotted Pinion2x Light Arches1x Lime-speck Pug1x Maidens Blush3x Maple Prominent10+ Maple Pug1x Marbled Beauty1x Marbled Minor2x Mottled Beauty1x Mouse Moth5x Nut-tree Tussock1x Nutmeg3x Oak Hook-tip1x Oak Nycteoline1x Old Lady1x Olive2x Pale Mottled Willow2x Pebble Prominent10+ Peppered Moth1x Phoenix1x Pine Hawk-moth1x Poplar Grey2x Poplar Hawk-moth5x Privet Hawk-moth1x Purple Thorn5x Red Twin-spot Carpet15+ Riband Wave20+ Ruby Tiger2x Rustic1x Sallow Kitten4x Scalloped Oak5x Scarce Footman2x Scorched Carpet1x Setaceous Hebrew Character5x Shaded Broad-bar2x Shaded Pug2x Shuttle-shaped Dart2x Silver-Y2x Single-dotted Wave2x Slender Brindle1x Small Angle Shades1x Small Blood-vein3x Small Emerald2x Small Fan-foot20+ Small Fan-footed Wave1x Small Phoenix1x Small Rivulet1x Small Rufous1x Small Waved Umber2x Small Yellow Wave20+ Smoky Wainscot5x Snout3x Spectacle2x Straw Dot2x Swallow Prominent8x Swallow-tailed Moth1x Sycamore1x Tawny Marbled Minor1x Tawny Speckled Pug12+ Tree-lichen Beauty10+ Uncertain3x V-Pug2x Vapourer Moth1x Vines Rustic5x White Satin Moth1x White-spotted Pug1x Willow Beauty2x Yellow Shell1x Yellow-barred Brindle5+ Yellow-tailMicro MothsAcentria ephemerella 10+Acleris forsskaleana 5xAcrobasis consociella 1xAethes cnicana 1xAethes rubigana 15+Agapeta hamana 10xAgapeta zoegana 6xAgonopterix alstromeriana 1x Agonopterix heracliana 1xAgriphila straminella 1xAleimma loeflingiana 2xAnacampsis blattariella 1xAnthophila fabriciana 1xAphomia sociella 2xApotomis lineana 1xArchips podana 1x Archips xylosteana 1x Argyresthia goedartella 1xArgyresthia trifasciata 1xArgyrotaenia ljungiana 1xBatia lunaris 1xBatia unitella 10+ Blastobasis adustella 5x Blastobasis laticolella 6xBlastodacna hellerella 1xBorkhausenia fuscescens [NEW!] 1xBryotropha terrella 5+Calamotropha paludella 1xCaloptilia rufipennella 1xCaloptilia semifascia 1xCameraria ohridella 1xCarcina quercana 5xCataclysta lemnata 2xCatoptria falsella 25+Catoptria pinella 4xCelypha lacunana 2xCelypha striana 3x Chrysoteuchia culmella 60+Clepsis consimilana 5+Cnephasia asseclana 1x Gen DetCnephasia longana 3x Gen DetCnephasia pasiuana 1x Gen DetCnephasia stephensiana 1x Gen DetCochylimorpha straminea 2x Cochylis atricapitana 2xCochylis hybridella 2xColeophora sp 2xCrambus pascuella 1xCrambus perlella 6xCydia pomonella 2xCydia splendana 5+Dipleurina lacustrata 10+Ditula angustiorana 1xDonacaula forficella 1xEndotricha flammealis 10+Epiblema foenella 3xEpiblema uddmmaniana 2xEucosma campoliliana 2x Eucosma cana 10+Eucosma hohenwartiana 5xEucosma obumbratana 1xEudemis profundana 2xEudonia mercurella 10+Eudonia pallida 1xEurrhypara hortulata 5+ Euzophera pinguis 2xEvergestis forficalis 1xGypsonoma dealbana 10+ Hedya nubiferana 5xHedya pruniana 2xHelcystogramma rufescens 1xHofmannophila pseudospretella 2xHomoeosoma sinuella 1xHypatima rhomboidellaHypsopygia costalis 1xLimnaecia phragmitella x2Lyonetia clerkella 1xMonochroa palustrella 1xMyelois circumvoluta 5xOrthopygia glaucinalis 1xOstrinia nubilalis 1xPammene fasciana 1xPandemis cerasana 1x Pandemis corylana 2xPandemis heparana 5xParaswammerdamia albicapitella 2xParaswammerdamia nebulella 1xPempelia formosa 1xPhlyctaenia coronata 2xPhycita roborella 2x Phycitodes maritima 1x Gen DetPleuroptya ruralis 100+Plutella xylostella 15+Prays fraxinella 1xPseudargyrotoza conwagana 5x Pterophorus pentadactyla 2xPyrausta aurata 2xPyrausta purpuralis 1xRecurvaria leucatella 1xRhopobota naevana 3xRhyacionia pinicolana 1xScoparia ambigualis 2x Scoparia subfusca 1xScrobipalpa costella 1xSitochroa verticalis 1xSpilonota ocellana 20+Tinea trinotella x1Trachycera advenella 1xTrachycera suavella 1xUdea olivalis 1xUdea prunalis 4xYponomeuta cagnagella 1x Gen DetYponomeuta evonymella 10+Ypsolopha scabrella 4xZeiraphera isertana 5x
Slide. Scale bar 0,1 mm.Holotype 3786:1b
Steiglitz, Victoria, Australia
Lateral. Scale bar 1 mm.Lectotype 6142:1
Gen/det by Peter Hall.Cradley, Malvern, Worcs. SO729470
Catch Report - 21/02/12 - Farmland/Back Garden - HertfordshireThings are slowly getting exciting! with 2 more new species for the year but what was supposed to be a very mild night with minimal wind turned out to be sporadically windy and quite chilly and down to 6c this morning.Tomorrow and Thursday evening look the best nights this week to get some more Moth action.Catch Report - 21/02/12 - 125w MV Robinson Trap - Back Garden/FarmlandMacro Moths1x March Moth [NFY]1x SatelliteMicro Moths1x Agonopterix heracliana [NFY]
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Gen/det Peter Hall. Cradly Malvern Worcs, SO729470