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Category hierarchy: Animals | MammalsDescription: Two California sea lions rest on a large rock in the sun, surrounded by water.Capture device: Canon EOS 30DLocality: Latitude: 3.892955560000000e+001; Longitude: -7.704969939999999e+001
Pelagic Attitudes of the Fur-Seal. Position when Sleeping (1); Position in Rising to Breathe, Survey, Etc (2); Positions in Scratching, Etc.;(3);'Dolphin Jumps';(4)
Pelagic Attitudes of the Fur-Seal. Sketched from life... Saint Paul's Island, 1872. Village of Saint Paul in distance. Black Bluffs to the right on middle ground; 1. Position while sleeping. 2, Position when rising to breathe, survey, etc. 3, Position when scratching. 4, "Dolphin jumps"
Group of Fur Seals. Young Females 2 years, Old Male 18 years, Young Male 6 years, Mother Seal and Pup Nursing, Old Male 'Roaring', Young Males 2 years`