Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Anatomy: Sexual
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Anatomy: Male
California Sea Lion. Zalophus californianus (Less.), Allen
Sea-Lion. Eumetopias stelleri; Males and Females)
Group of Sea-Lions. Young -- Adult Male and Female -- Old Bull Roaring; (Eumetopias stelleri; a life study made at St. Paul's Island. July 16, 1872
Steller's Sea Lion. Eumetopias Stelleri (Less), Peters
Public Domain Mark Sum Courtesy of life.nbii.gov
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Animals | MammalsDescription: Two California sea lions rest on a large rock in the sun, surrounded by water.Capture device: Canon EOS 30DLocality: Latitude: 3.892955560000000e+001; Longitude: -7.704969939999999e+001
Countenance of the Fur-Seal. Life-Studes of Callorhinus by the Author
Countenance of Callorhinus--A Life Study of an Adult Male Fur Seal. (Full face of old male, profile and under view of female heads)
Adult Male Fur Seals Fighting. Survival of the Fittest Sires, Barbotch, Saint Paul Island
Attitudes of Fur Seals in the Water.
A Rookery [Fur Seal] Courtship.
An Abducted [Fur Seal] Cow.
A Pod of [Fur Seal] Pups on Lukanin Rookery. Saint Paul Island
Pelagic Attitudes of the Fur-Seal. Position when Sleeping (1); Position in Rising to Breathe, Survey, Etc (2); Positions in Scratching, Etc.;(3);'Dolphin Jumps';(4)
Pelagic Attitudes of the Fur-Seal. Sketched from life... Saint Paul's Island, 1872. Village of Saint Paul in distance. Black Bluffs to the right on middle ground; 1. Position while sleeping. 2, Position when rising to breathe, survey, etc. 3, Position when scratching. 4, "Dolphin jumps"
Fur Seal Pup.
Fur-Seal. (Callorhinus ursinus)
Fur-Seal. Callorhinus ursinus)
Fur-Seals Sporting Around the Baidar. Natives of St. Paul Lightering off the Bundled Seal-Skins to the Ship from the Village Cove
Fur-Seals Hauling on the Reef Parade Ground. Saint Paul Island, September 20, 1872
Fur Seals on Shore and in Surf.
Fur-Seal Harem.
Group of Fur Seals. Young Females 2 years, Old Male 18 years, Young Male 6 years, Mother Seal and Pup Nursing, Old Male 'Roaring', Young Males 2 years`