Letaba, Limpopo, South Africa
Oulches, Centre region, France
SO973563. WWT Grafton Woods, Worcestershire
Touquin, Ile-de-France, France
Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
Touquin, Ile-de-France, France
Grafton Flyford, England, United Kingdom
Phylum: Arthropoda (arthropods)Subphylum: Hexapoda BLAINVILLE, 1816Class: Insecta (insects, Insekten)Subclass: PterygotaInfraclass: Neoptera MARTYNOV, 1923Order: Lepidoptera LINNAEUS, 1758 (butterflies and moths, Schmetterlinge)Suborder: GlossataInfraorder: HeteroneuraSuperfamily: LasiocampoideaFamily: Lasiocampidae HARRIS, 1841 (eggars, snout moths or lappet moths, Glucken oder Wollraupenspinner)Subfamily: Lasiocampinae HARRIS, 1841Genus:
Malacosoma HBNER, 1820Subgenus: Clisiocampa CURTIS, 1828
Malacosoma neustria LINNAEUS, 1758 (Lackey moth, Ringelspinner)more info:
www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Malacosoma_Neustriamore info (German):
Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
Ostoros, Heves, Magyarorszg
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Sabah, Malaysia
Blang Pidie, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia
Blang Pidie, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia
From my trip to Thailand - May 28th - 4th June 2011, most moths were found at the various temples which had metal hallide bulbs fitted to them. The ones labelled 'Hang Dong' came to my 22w Actinic light.Please feel free to help aid identification or correct my proposed identifications.
Barthlemy, Cayenne, Guyane Franaise
mbavna, Maharashtra, India
Barthlemy, Cayenne, Guyane Franaise