[Identified by: 林沛立]
Myrichthys pantostigimius Jordan & McGregor. Clarion Island.
Banded Ophisurus.
Microdonophis fowleri Jordan & Evermann. Type.
Ophichthys filaria (A); Salaprias coronatus (B).
Xyrias revulsus Jordan & Snyder. Family Ophichthyidae. Misaki, Japan.
Microdonophis macgregori Jenkins, new species. Type.
Ophichthys crocodilinus, from the Indo-Pacific.
Callechelys luteus. Type.
[Identified by: 陳鴻鳴]
Myrichthys Pantostigmius.. Jordan; McGregor. New species.
Leptocephalus Conger. The Common Conger; Conger Eel
Leiuranus lithinus, new species. Type.
Dalophis Anceps.
Myrichthys Tigrinus.
[Identified by: 陳鴻鳴]
Quassiremus Evionthas.
Myrichthys stypurus (Smith & Swain); from the type.