Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 1.Key views and structures of Perochaeta orientalis, Male. A Habitus, lateral view B Pleural microtomensity pattern; (white = smooth, light grey = lightly microtomentose, dark grey = heavily microtomentose) C Rear tibia, with focus on osomterium D Basal section of wing showing microtrichosity pattern (white=smooth, light grey=with microtrichia) E Whole abdomen, ventral view F Sternite appendage G Hypopygium, dorsal view H Phallus, right, ventral and left views; red arrow indicates basal spiny flap. Scale bars = 0.5mm unless otherwise stated.
Figures 1–9.Perochaeta cuirassa and Perochaeta lobo ♂. Perochaeta cuirassa: 1 4th sternite, ventral 2 hypopygium, dorsal 3 hypopygium, lateral 4 surstylus, lateral (inward facing) 5 pleural pruinosity pattern, lateral. Perochaeta lobo: 6 4th sternite, ventral 7 hypopygium, dorsal 8 hypopygium, ventral 9 hypopygium, lateral. Scale bars: 0.5mm.
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 6.Copulatory profile for Perochaeta orientalis, as described in Section 2 (Copulation). Horizontal bars in graph indicate point in time (X-axis) where then the particular behaviour (Y-axis) is performed. The profile begins from when the male mounts the female, and ends when they begin to separate (total time = 72m 30s).
Figures 1–9.Perochaeta cuirassa and Perochaeta lobo ♂. Perochaeta cuirassa: 1 4th sternite, ventral 2 hypopygium, dorsal 3 hypopygium, lateral 4 surstylus, lateral (inward facing) 5 pleural pruinosity pattern, lateral. Perochaeta lobo: 6 4th sternite, ventral 7 hypopygium, dorsal 8 hypopygium, ventral 9 hypopygium, lateral. Scale bars: 0.5mm.
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 4.Images of holotype (A, B) and drawing (C) from description for Perochaeta orientalis, male. A Image of habitus, lateral view B Image of hypopygium, dorsal view; red arrow pointing to the median protrusion on the surstylus C Drawing of abdominal posterior (lateral view) as reproduced from Duda (1926); red arrow 1 shows how illustration has fused the two setae into one, red arrow 2 shows how the drawing fails to display the median protrusion as seen in Fig. 1G.
Figures 24–31.Sepsis spura. 24 fore femur, posterior 25 fore tibia, posterior 26 fore femur, anterior 27 fore tibia, anterior 28 pleural pruinosity pattern, lateral 29 4th and 5th sternites, ventral 30 hypopygium, dorsal 31 hypopygium, lateral. Scale bars: 0.5mm.
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 3.Additional views for Perochaeta orientalis, Male (MA-MF) and Female (FA-FE). M and F prefixes refer to male and female specimen respectively. A Habitus, dorsal view (sans wings) B head and thorax, ventral view C Head capsule, anterior view D Head capsule, posterior view E Thorax, posterior view F (male only)–Rear tibia, dorsal view showing osmeterium. Scale bars = 0.5mm unless otherwise stated.
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 5.Hypopygia, sternite appendages and anepimeral + greater ampullal microtrichosity of the five other Perochaeta: Perochaeta cuirassa (CA-CC), Perochaeta dikowi (DA-DC), Perochaeta exilis (EA-EC), Perochaeta hennigi (HA-HC) and Perochaeta lobo (LA-LC); adapted from Ang and Meier (2008; Perochaeta cuirassa and Perochaeta lobo), Ang et al. (2008; Perochaeta dikowi), Iwasa (2011; Perochaeta exilis) and Ozerov (1992; Perochaeta hennigi). Suffixes refer to: A sternite appendage, left side ventral view B hypopygium, right side dorsal view C Surstylus, lateral view D Anepimeron + greater ampulla [image not available for Perochaeta hennigi (prefix H)]. Perochaeta lobo (prefix L) has a similar anepimeral microtrichosity as Perochaeta cuirassa (CD). Scale bars = 0.5mm.
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 2.Key views and structures of Perochaeta orientalis, Female. A Habitus, lateral view B Whole abdomen, ventral view C Abdominal posterior, ventral view D Same, lateral view E Same, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.5mm.
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Video 1.Video montage for the various behaviours described. Section 1, Courtship: Male wing-flutter dance (00:07). Section 2, Approach and Mount: Failed attempt with female resistance, lateral view (00:15), Successful mount, dorsal view (00:29). Section 3, Copulation: M1 Male fore leg tap to female head (00:41), M2 Male rear leg rub (01:03), M3 Male rear- to mid-leg rub (01:10), M4 Male mid legs tap to female wing (01:18), M5 Male mid legs tap to female abdomen (01:29), F1 Female resistance (mid legs push) (01:39), F2 Female resistance (rear leg push) (01:51), F3 Female grooming (rear leg rub) (02:00), F4 Female grooming (fore leg-head rub) (02:06). Section 4, Separation (02:15). Video available for download in full resolution from http://www.pensoft.net/J_FILES/1/articles/6013/Ang_Wong_Meier_Video_1.avi