Vladimir N. Makarkin, Qiang Yang, Chaofan Shi, Dong Ren
Figure 6.Basal portion of forewings of the Middle Jurassic Nymphidae showing the recurrent veinlet (rv) and the anterior subcosta (ScA) A the holotype of Daonymphes bisulca gen. et sp. n., CNU-NEU-NN2011119 B the holotype of Liminympha makarkini Ren & Engel, 2007, CNU-NEU-NN1999024. Both wetted with ethanol. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Catherine A. Tauber, J. Allan Garland
Figure 2.Kymachrysa male terminalia. A, B Abdominal segments 8 and 9 (lateral), with genitalia everted C, D Sternite 8+9 (ventral) E, F Genitalia (everted, dorsal) A, C, E Kymachrysa placita Type, Colorado, MCZ B, D, F Kymachrysa intacta, California, TRC. Abbreviations: c.c. callus cerci d.a. dorsal apodeme (on ninth tergite and ectoproct) gc gonocornu gps gonapsis g.b. gonarcal bridge med mediuncus m.s. membranous sac S8+9 fused eighth and ninth sternites T8 eighth tergite T9+e fused ninth tergite and ectoproct v.a. ventral apodeme (on sternite 8+9).
Als Odde ved Mariager Fjord, Danmark
Randers Fjord
Ulla Hau, Fårø, Gotland, Sverige
Samos Greece
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
Løvenholm Skov
Yuanyuan Peng, Vladimir N. Makarkin, Xiaodong Wang, Dong Ren
Figure 1.Undulopsychopsis alexi gen. et sp. n. The holotype CYNB044. Photograph. Scale bar = 5 mm.
Shaun L. Winterton, Hock Ping Guek, Stephen J. Brooks
Figure 4.Type locality of Semachrysa jade sp. n., closed forest, 0.8 km SSW of entrance of Selangor State Park, Selangor, Malaysia (GPS: 3.3057,101.693). Photographer: Guek Hock Ping.
Patrícia S. Silva, Catherine A. Tauber, Gilberto S. Albuquerque, Maurice J. Tauber
Figure 14.Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) geayi, first instar A Habitus, lateral B Head, lateral C Abdominal segments A1 to A5, dorsal D Abdominal segments A6 to A10, dorsal. Abbreviations: A2, A4, A6, A8, A10 abdominal segments A1R1, A1R2 anterior and posterior rows of submedian setae (SMS) on first abdominal segment A2R1, A2R2 anterior and posterior rows of SMS on second abdominal segment A4LT lateral tubercle on fourth abdominal segment A6LDT, A6LT laterodorsal tubercle, lateral tubercle on sixth abdominal segment ge genal marking T3R1 row of long, sturdy, thorny setae on raised posterior fold of metathorax.
Catherine A. Tauber, Francisco Sosa, Gilberto S. Albuquerque
Figure 9B.Hindwings from three specimens each of Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) varia and Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) pretiosa. Same information as Fig. 9A.
Vladimir N. Makarkin, Qiang Yang, Chaofan Shi, Dong Ren
Figure 3.Liminympha makarkini Ren & Engel, 2007. Holotype CNU-NEU-NN1999024 (counterpart) as preserved.Scale bar = 5 mm.
Catherine A. Tauber, J. Allan Garland
Figure 3.Kymachrysa female terminalia. A, B Abdominal segments 7 and 9 (lateral) [Arrows delineate the praegenitale] C, D Praegenitale at distal margin of S7 (ventral) E–H Spermatheca A, C, F Kymachrysa placita A, F Colorado, USNM C New Mexico, USNM B, D, E, G, H Kymachrysa intacta B, D, E New York, TRC G Colorado, CPG H California, TRC. Abbreviations: c.c. callus cerci g.l. gonapophysis lateralis inv spermathecal invagination prae praegenitale sg subgenitale sp spermatheca sp.d. spermathecal duct S7 seventh sternite tr.s. transverse sclerite T9+e fused ninth tergite and ectoproct vel velum.
Randers Fjord
Ulla Hau, Fårø, Gotland, Sverige
Samos Greece
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
Yuanyuan Peng, Vladimir N. Makarkin, Xiaodong Wang, Dong Ren
Figure 2.Undulopsychopsis alexi gen. et sp. n. The holotype CYNB044. Drawing. Scale bar = 5 mm.