2007 California Academy of Sciences
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Somerville. Maximun development of Coulter pine in Somerville area. DBH 30 inches, height 70 ft., T 1 N R 1 E Sec 9 Quad name: Mt. Diablo. Quad number: 81B. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Coulter pine. Coast live oak is principal associate., T 13 N R 4 E Sec 25 Quad name: Hollister. Quad number: 104B. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
San Benito County. Coulter pine stand on N slope. Principal associate is coast live oak., T 13 S R 4 E Sec 25 Quad name: Hollister. Quad number: 104B. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
San Benito County. Coulter pine type on N slope. Principal associate coast live oak., T 13 S R 4 E Sec 25 Quad name: Hollister. Quad number: 104B. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking W at woodland of coast live oak containing occasional valley oaks. Note coulter pine snags resulting from recent fires., T 14 S R 5 E Sec 20 Quad name: Gonzales. Quad number: 104C. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Open meadows surrounded by Jeffrey pine characterize the Laguna Recreational area. High recreational value. This area is unique in that it borders the Colorado desert and is probably the most southwest forest of Coulter and Jeffrey pine in California which is at all representative., T 15 S R 5 E Sec 14, Elevation 5500 Quad name: Carrizo. Quad number: 190.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama looking south toward Mt. Pinos. Jeffrey pine-coast live oak type in foreground at left and Coulter pine type on slopes in background., T 16 S R 4 E Sec 16 Quad name: Cuyamaca. Quad number: 191.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Corte Madero Valley. A building permit from the owners costs $20,000 and a building restriction of $10,000 is in effect. Trees surrounding valley are Coulter pine. Limited grazing has resulted in excellent forage for cattle and horses. Approx. 800 acres., T 16 S R 4 E Sec 22, Elevation 4000 Quad name: Cuyamaca. Quad number: 191. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Head of Burnett Creek. Coulter pine stand on northeast slope, 12 to 24 inches D.B.H. and 40 to 60 feet high., T 25 S R 7 E Sec 11 Quad name: Bryson. Quad number: 131A. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Head of Burnett Creek. Coulter pine stand on northeast slope, 12 to 24 inches D.B.H. and 40 to 60 feet high., T 25 S R 7 E Sec 11 Quad name: Bryson. Quad number: 131A. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Close up view of Plot RC 3A. Southeast exposure. Coulter pine woodland., T 3 N R 10 W Sec 2 Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B. Reference to map: 41.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Coulter pine woodland type in Sec. 11, T 3 N R 12 W Sec 11 Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B. Reference to map: 30.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking east. Coulter pine-canyon live oak type., T 4 N R 10 W Sec 26 Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B. Reference to map: 2.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking south. Canyon live oak woodland. Conifer is Coulter pine., T 4 N R 10 W Sec 26 Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Pallett Creek. Desert chaparral. Transition on right to Coulter pine-canyon oak woodland. Note Coulter pines and pinon pine, the latter confined to ravine. Los Angeles County, T 4 N R 10 W Sec unknown Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking south toward Pleasant View Ridge. Canyon live oak woodland. Conifer is Coulter pine. Los Angeles County., T 4 N R 10 W Sec unknown Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Head of Bear Trap Canyon. Coulter pine-bigcone spruce type on first slopes; sugar pine-bigcone spruce in background. Los Angeles County., T 4 N R 12 W Sec 28 Quad name: Tujunga. Quad number: 162A. Reference to map: 25.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near South Fork Rock Creek. Coulter pine-canyon live oak type. Los Angeles County., T 4 N R 9 W Sec 28 Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B.